I will believe it when I see it this is likely just talk.
I will believe it when I see it this is likely just talk.
Just gotta love these big tech companies and their bullshit double standards.
Okay seriously this technology still baffles me. Like its cool but why invest so much in an unknown like AIs future ? We could invest in people and education and end up with really smart people. For the cost of an education we could end up with smart people who contribute to the economy and society. Instead we are dumping billions into this shit.
I think this is absolutely doable to problem is you need to have enough users on all the time to make this sort of thing work soa doptionn is important. You could probably piggy back off existing open source projects to get it going.
what the hell weird timeline are we on.
Yeah I have a friend that does this too. They try to do it to me and I’m just like … I don’t care working is fucking annoying and jobs suck. I just do it to fuck with them but it always blows their damn mind lol.
And yet you can borrow anything from the local library for free and its considered totally fine and not pirating.
So I’ve never used Microsoft office because I could never afford it. I went from notepad to wordpad to OpenOffice to libreoffice. I’ve never had a single issue even as a professional not using word. I actually really enjoy writing as a hobby and I just don’t get this copiolet thing. Why would I want something to do the thing I like doing? Screw that.
All systems can be compromised no matter how secure. It sucks that we have to out our kids privacy at risk just to send them to school.
Google’s idea of privacy seems to always be we will protect your privacy by having all your data and making sure we are the only ones who can profit off of it. Its not that they care about privacy they care about them having exclusive rights to your data.
Honestly i didn’t even know this was still a thing
Okay any time I mention this product I get roasted but I don’t care because I like it. There is a program called aptik and basically it backs up all your settings and home folder and then can be restored if you need to reinstall. https://store.teejeetech.com/product/aptik/
It’s a one time purchase. I bought my copy like maybe almost 10 years ago and still use it. I used to have a script that I would maintain manually for this sort of thing but this is much easier. I also like that it will update strings and stuff for you when going from one version of a distro to another or between distros. You can also easily go in and uncheck things if you don’t want them or only revert certain parts of the backup and not others. it has 100% saved my butt a few times especially where I had some weird config on a piece of software and after a restore it worked just like before. In my opinion this is also a better option than a diskimage because of the customization of the restore and the fact that you can do it I guess my biggest issue with it is it’s not free software which is kind of annoying however it’s just one dude and the license is very bare bones so it’s not like he is trying to get away with anything with this tool.
Freetube and newpipe for me. However I will say they just don’t work sometimes. So then I just am left with my browser.
As someone else said its free libre open source software. Not my term I just use it because it tends to piss off the least amount of people.
Its osmc updating on the veroV
It’s very hard to say. Based on your use case I would say either grapheneOS or calyxOS. I personally have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for CalyxOS but technically speaking graphene likely meets your usecase better.
Starlabs starlite tablet looks really nice. I actually just ordered one the other day. I don’t have it yet so I can’t give you a review but from what I have read it’s pretty nice. It’s an Intel machine, upgradable, running coreboot so the compatibility should be high.
I do want to make this point as well even though I know this thread is old. A lot of the issue comes down to very new hardware that isn’t in the mainline kernel yet but may be in the future. So the case of a 2017 laptop being fully supported is not that surprising. The question is if you could get a 2024 laptop from dell to run on mainline kernel with no extra drivers and the answer is likely mixed. The majority would likely work however things like webcam and the fingerprint reader would likely not work. You might still be able to get the drivers directly from dell and get it to work but it can be a hodgepodge and difficult to support. For instance the dell I had when I wrote this I could run on the latest Ubuntu however I had to download the debs for the webcam and fingerprint reader and screw around with the settings and config files to get them to work. Sometimes I would get an update that would break them and then I would need to mess around again to get them working. It’s linux so many things are “doable” however I wouldn’t say that it was user friendly or simple a lot of times. I am on system76 now and a whole lot happier to be honest.
thank you at the time I posted the link to invidious was not working and I didn’t think to check peertube.
Man I’ve had a brother printer so long because of their Linux support this is so annoying