Cars for the mind.
Cars are killing people.
Drag rides dragons and also “rides” dragons. drag/dragself person-independent pronouns. That means drag’s pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.
Cars for the mind.
Cars are killing people.
Ask the sales rep if it works without internet, and if they’re wrong, demand a refund.
Communism is also a way out of poverty
You’re using YouTube wrong. You’re supposed to set your default page to the subscriptions page.
Based comments. How come Lemmy doesn’t have content like that?
China isn’t communist and America isn’t democratic. They both suck way worse than that.
There will be peace when we have killed enough Nazis.
AI is bad!
We don’t need to use all this water and energy just to avoid having to click on news articles.
Drag values not being a Nazi and X doesn’t. This isn’t a dumb reason to stop using it.
Ruthlessness is good, and responsible ruthlessness requires following through on your own intentions and the rules you created for yourself.
It’s like how Batman doesn’t kill. He decided that was the line and he sticks to it, even if it’s hard. Because he knows giving in would be worse.
Good. Moderators need limits on their powers. You should need to make the cage bigger in order to deal with the edge cases. And when you make the cage bigger, the community should have an opportunity to question that. That’s anarchy. That’s responsibility.
It’s better to have an unmoderated community full of trolls than a community with tyrant mods. That’s the same philosophy as “it’s better that a hundred guilty go free than one innocent is imprisoned”. Obviously a community with good mods is best, but if mods can’t follow their own rules, they shouldn’t follow no rules.
And responsible ruthlessness is only possible with robust rules.
“be nice” is a broad rule set. You need rule sets with clear expectations. If your rules are clear, then you won’t feel guilty for banning someone, and they don’t have a good excuse when they appeal. If you choose vague rules, people will submit perfectly good appeals which you have to turn down, and you’ll waste everyone’s time.
A ruleset is a machine. Video games are machines made out of rules, and so are board games. Board games just run on brains instead of microchips. A legal code is exactly the same, just more important. Make a good machine and moderation won’t even require your conscious mind. You can breeze through it according to the process without expending any mental energy.
Spend mental energy judging every situation individually, and you’ll either burn out or become a tyrant. Break your rules, and you either break your community or break yourself.
If people can get away with harming the community without breaking the rules, then just change the rules.
If you can’t think of any reasonable rules that would ban their behaviour, maybe they aren’t doing anything wrong and it’s just that you personally don’t like it.
Are you sure that wasn’t just an offhand line in the Green New Deal proposal that Fox news decided to run an entire ad campaign on in order to blow it out of proportion and associate environmentalism with “taking away your hamburgers” in the eyes of the voters?
Drag was being silly because you were being silly.
Also, the half life of methane in the atmosphere is 9 years. You think that’s incredibly fast? Interesting, guess some people perceive time a lot faster.
Actually, cows emit more methane from burping
The more I’ve learned about technology, the more hardline I’ve become against having it in my life.
Eventually you’ll decide pottery, clothing, and agriculture need to go
Drag thought Brother were supposed to be the makers of user friendly printers. Are they enshittifying?