Tier lists are opinion-based, but I don’t share yours
Trying to develop things
Tier lists are opinion-based, but I don’t share yours
You can use bob (a neovim version manager). It requires rustup though
You can get it through Obtainium
There is a fork of OpenBoard which is pretty active the repo is on github. It release an update a day ago
Yeah Nix documentation kind of sucks right now. There are like a 10 different ways to set-up flakes
Fira Code Nerd Font for the terminal and stock fonts for everything else
The only problem I’ve encounter was the steam client not recognising my controller and then I’ve decided to install steam non-flatpak.
What’s the complex part about “apt” or “zypper”?
I use oh-my-posh (on a windows machine) with a custom theme that tells me some git info and a few other things. But when I’m in my Linux machine its a vanilla zsh
The Linux Experiment did a video on how he managed to turn a PC to a console with HoloOS (its not a step by step guide though)
W! What was the commit for?
I’ve got the standard ones (l, ll, ls) to be forms of ls -flags
df = df -h
mv = mv -i
rm = rm -i
nix-switch = sudo nix-rebuild --switch flake .
nix-upd = nix flake update
systat = systemctl status
sysena = sudo systemctl enable
systop = sudo systemctl stop
“We will use Facebook Messenger, which is clearly, the better of the two”
It could be done if you partition your disk prior to installing but, if there is no particular reason, you could make a bunch of VM’s and daily drive one of the distros.
Fuck yeah. I need this so bad
You have to change the boot order in the BIOS, and make it load first
Tendré que volver!
La mayoría son FOSS. Connect For Lemmy todavía no tiene un release que no sea por el PlayStore. El resto tienen pagina en Github.
You could try VanillaOS or BlendOS. Both immutable and allows you to install whatever package you want from any distro.
Don’t know much else.