Good! Hopefully one of those other apps is federated and free from any hostile interests.
Good! Hopefully one of those other apps is federated and free from any hostile interests.
Yeah, they should shut down both. Honestly, X should be on the chopping block even faster that Meta, but Zuck seems committed to racing Musk to the bottom.
Won’t ever happen. Americans are complacent fools. They’ll starve themselves for years if you promise them bread tomorrow.
because the goal isn’t for more transparency in their service, CTA is mismanaged trash rn. It’s to have less transparency, so less people realize that the delays between trains still have not returned to pre-pandemic levels, and likely never will.
Considering most Americans read at a child’s level, I think they’re right about their target audience.
I don’t think Florida has been cool at any point in my lifetime. They started meth before I was born, and by the time I was old enough to form memories they were most well known for “Florida Man.” You’d have to go back to the 80s to find a time when Florida was cool.
I’m not sure, but locals tagged “Deny, Defend, Depose” near me. If nothing else, seems there’ll be good branding made of it.
The thing is, that culture has been breaking. More and more people have internalized the idea that there is a seperate legal system for the rich and powerful. Politeness is being eroded in favor of toxicity. People are losing trust in political institutions.
The U.S. is a powder keg of poor, desperate people waiting for a match.
The United States was actually well set-up to defend against pandemics. After the ebola scare, the Obama administration created a task force to effectively respond to future infectious diseases, and a plan was written up to guide the U.S. through a potential pandemic crisis situation.
Purely out of pride, Trump disbanded the task force and scrapped all of the planning that was done during the Obama era, and then 2 years later was hit by the exact kind of situation the U.S. had planned for.
I can’t guarantee that the U.S. would have avoided lockdowns, and the exact number of Americans killed by Trump’s decision will always be nebulous, but it’s very clear that his decisions before and during the COVID pandemic were harmful.
honestly at this point, why even use real numbers? Just ask for a bazillion rubles, it’s about as likely as 2 undecillion.
Nah it’s fine, see I don’t live in a swing-state, so nobody cares about my vote at all!
Cool, now I can try and remember to get fully migrated to Linux before October next year.
It’s honestly more impressive that the family even found lawyers to take the case. As someone who’s been dealing with a frightfully similar situation at work, entitled parents trying to use a lawsuit to “correct” a clear student error, we’ve had 4-5 different law firms reach out to us for details about the case, and every time they thank us for our time and refuse to pursue the case further because it’s clear the kid was in error.
As someone working adjacent to highschools in the West, there’s not a single difference in my experience to theirs. It’s not an issue of their economic system, it’s an issue of people around the entire world. Seems like entitlement has never been higher amongst parents.
Having worked with parents like this before: No. None at all. They’d rather throw thousands of dollars at different attorneys hoping one of them will take the case to teach their children to never have shame.
I’ll bet $50 this is because they plan on pulling the plug on old reddit soon, and don’t want to allow the inevitable protests.
Temu isn’t a social media network that has been known to boost specific narratives with their algorithm. The U.S. isn’t saying that China can’t sell and market to the American audience, just that they’ll need a supervisor if they want to mess with media.
You didn’t have to mention his party, everyone knew he was a Republican from the headline.
In case you weren’t aware, it’s actually pretty easy to pay for a VPN in unmarked funds. Most will allow for BTC transactions, but some VPNs will even allow you to use giftcards for a place like Target.
The problem is really that people think you need to pay $350,000, but you shouldn’t seriously pay more than $40,000. Higher education as a concept isn’t a scam, but certain schools like the Ivy Leagues and private universities absolutely are. While there certainly are benefits to going to a prestigious school, most public state universities in the United States are excellent and hold good reputation. The quality of education you’ll get at a local state college will only be like 10% worse than Harvard or Yale, but will cost 10x less. There’s also the argument for technical schools or apprenticeships; while potentially more limiting, these also offer a significantly more affordable path of higher education for Americans.
While you won’t necessarily get a bonus or anything for having a degree that aligns with the role you perform at a company, you aren’t getting that job without the degree. College degrees serve as a way to move between the American de jure caste system; you can either work in low-wage jobs that won’t require a degree, or you pursue higher education to get access to the ones that do.