As someone who was working in IT support at the time - YAY! NO MORE FUCKING TRUMPET WINSOCK!
As someone who was working in IT support at the time - YAY! NO MORE FUCKING TRUMPET WINSOCK!
Exactly. It exposes the bias in the headline wording designed to trigger a reaction because this is Amazon, but companies move all the time, and a percentage of the workforce will always prefer not uprooting themselves, no matter how good or bad their employer.
“independent” - Is it though?
Redhat are the major sponsors of Fedora, much as they sponsored Centos before taking it over and killing it in classic “Embrace, Extend, Extinguish”.
I have doubts about the future of the entire EL ecosphere - I know not many enterprise level organisations are investing deeply into it right now, whether that’s with RHEL or a rebuild. Too much doubt about Redhat’s intentions with RHEL and the future of it.
Have you checked syslog and apts logs?
Also, simply uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox shouldn’t lose all your settings. Silly question, but are you sure you’re the same local user? Also, Firefox syncs this stuff so all sounds odd.
A correct and helpful answer. HA is phenomenal, although some report the learning curve is steep - it’s totally worth it.
I use it with lots of different vendors and it consolidates and coordinates everything between everything else.
Might be worth waiting for some news outlets you’ve actually heard of to start carrying the story before you break out the balloons.
This feels like a cynical ploy for funding, like almost every “miracle battery” story carried over the past ten years.
Out for me too, but the life360 app working fine. Anyone reported it yet?
That’s a surprisingly well written article.
Ah yes, the “Right to be forgotten”
You are correct, of course. However, they are well within their rights to not delete your data. Look up “Legitimate interest” - it’s a huge GDPR loophole and widely abused. (Certainly in charity fundraising in which I used to work)
The LI can be for their own business purposes, including profiling, machine learning and of course, advertising.
It can also, and usually is, need to keep data in case they receive a legal order to provide it. In the event of Reddit being used for terrorism purposes (which I’m sure it has, along with every other messaging platform), they will be required to produce that information. Which they can’t if it’s gone.
We wave the GDPR around like it solves all our problems. And whilst it does add a huge amount of public protection and it’s impressive it made it into law given those objecting to it, it does not give you the right to your own data above all else.
Whilst I totally understand your comments and even appreciate them, I still believe I am right.
About four years ago I used NukeReddit - a similar script that loads your comment history, edits each posts, replaces the text with nonsense and saves it. Then deletes the post. I did that because someone got close to identifying me IRL and I didn’t want them to, and wanted to tidy up my own data leakage.
After that, I continued using Reddit until the recent nonsense when I decided to leave to good. First, I used Power Delete, repeating it over several days to delete thousands of comments and hundreds of posts. About a week after that, I submitted a GDPR data request. Another week, I deleted my account. About a week after /that/, I received the GDPR response containing several CSV files containing my data. That included posts and comments I’d made from 11 years ago when I had created that account.
That data had survived two quite thorough scrubs and deletions, and whilst I no longer have access to that account, I believe my data and my account are still there - just unavailable to me.
I do know a little about data and databases, and in many mature projects, deleting posts simply sets an is_deleted column with the date it’s deleted. Editing a message simply creates a copy of that message, sets the original as is_deleted with a date, and sets the copy with the edited text. That’s standard and honestly, I don’t know why Reddit would not do that.
Also consider that Reddit may be under a legal obligation NOT to delete data. If there is a criminal investigation at a later date, they will need to be able to provide that information. “Sorry Mr Government, we deleted Bin Laden’s posts where he incited terrorism to dozens of other suspects” is not going to be received well.
The bottom line is that only Reddit architects will know for certain, but I’d put real money on betting that I’m right.#
Not arguing with the other possible reasons given, but it can be really hard to get started with SO as anything other than a reader. Gaining enough points to comment, answer, or even answer a comment feels really hard now that so many questions are already answered well.
You didn’t wipe your comments, you only created a new version. And if you deleted them, it’s only a soft delete. Reddit still holds your data. I proved this by doing a gdpr request and received stuff I’d wiped and deleted four years before.
You make it sound like there’s a plan involved.
That’s a whole lot of “fuck spez”. Well done, strangers.
What actually red hat wants?
All the control and all of the money.
Besides that, I suspect they have no clear vision. And if they do, they are absolutely terrible at communicating that.
Agree on point of detail, but the “drama” is the reason for the fuss. Redhat’s communication, especially to the community that helped build and support it, has always been patchy, but over the past few years it’s been apalling. As others have pointed out, they’ve insulted a lot of us, specifically for not contributing upstream - so it’s not unexpected for them to be called on it when someone does.
I think the EL sphere as a whole (including RHEL and all up and downstreams) is getting drastically weakened directly because of Redhat’s poor decision making, and that’s a shame for all of us.
Same has happened in recent versions of Gitlab. Lots of feature creep and UI changes that seem non-intuitive (at least for me)
As a UK citizen, I totally support this. The more that the average voter is disconvenienced because of proposed law changes like this and the (unenforcable) anti-porn laws, the more likely they are to actually pressure their MP or change how they vote.
Your headline is sensationalist and inaccurate, and your description has only partial truths. You need to appreciate some history to understand that Rocky is not for profit and why. This isn’t anti-Alma, which was founded and is supported by Cloudlinux - a commercial company by the way - because that’s not actually important either.
Rocky Linux is owned by RESF which is owned by Greg Kurtzner, backed by a board of trustees. Greg, together with Jason “Rocky” McGaugh, created CentOS Linux back in 2004. Since then, Redhat “Embraced, extended and then extinguished” CentOS Linux through gaining legal ownership of the project and its name, and control of its board of trustees.
When Redhat (through control of CentOs’ board) finally pulled the rug (with very little notice) on CentOS 8 in 2020, Greg figured he could correct the organisational mistakes made with CentOs that allowed Redhat to kill it. He talks about that here In honour of Jason, who has since died, he named the new distro Rocky.
Rocky must be owned by a legal entity, and they chose a PBC - the reasoning is described very clearly on Rocky’s website here and it’s made clear that it is not for profit. It’s possibly that might change, sure, but somewhere along the line you have to look at the bigger picture and decide to trust a distro. I trust Rocky. I also trust Debian and OpenSuse. And, because they’ve also proved themselves honest and transparent ** despite being founded and sponsored by a commercial company** , I trust Alma. All are good choices. The beautiful part about all these good, open and free distributions is you can choose which you want to use, that you’re not locked into them and whether you want to contribute or not.
There /is/ a link to CiQ with Rocky via Greg, and CiQ is commercial, but Rocky itself is not, is definitely NOT for profit, and there’s no need to pay CiQ a bean if you don’t want to.
Anyone can pick holes in any distribution. They can take any part of the legal structure and present it to suit their own agenda, or misunderstand the whole.
A couple of self hosted options; you track, which includes a good knowledge base section. And mediawiki, along with many other wiki style foss projects.