CasaOS is about as easy as it gets.
curl -fsSL https://get.casaos.io | sudo bash
It provides a gui front end for docker. You can install it on any debian based system (which mint is). Combine that with the portainer app and there isn’t much you can’t do.
If you want a beautiful front end for docker containers
CasaOS/ZimaOS Cosmos-server Unbrel
Casaos is new. It is pretty similar to portainer. It is still a pretty frontend for debian targeted twards tinkerers.
The end goal is for ZimaOS to replace/supliment CasaOS which is intended to be a more direct competitor to Synology/QNAP software. ZimaOS will be the OS released on their ZimaCube Kickstarter
As others have mentioned there are competitors like Cosmos-server and Umbrel. CasaOS/ZimaOS has a pretty strong company behind it, so the chances it gets abandoned are low. Cosmos and Umbrel are more of a hobby of a few people that may or may not be around 5 years from now.
Port forwarding will work, but it has major downsides
There are far better and safer alternatives that I would recommend over exposing a raw port to the world.