All alt-right content is made to generate outrage but content that generates outrage does not have to be necessarily alt-right.
All alt-right content is made to generate outrage but content that generates outrage does not have to be necessarily alt-right.
Enjoy it while it lasts. We like to immitate the US so in 2026 it’s very likely that we’ll elect a reactionary idiot again.
My friend down the street had an LX back in '83. It was an amazing device but sadly way too ahead of its time.
Do I need a foldable phone? No. Do I like the idea of owning a phone that is actually small enough to be used with one hand and can fit anywhere? Yes. Besides, closing it to end a call is very cool.
Why not? It’s not like Huawei can just use Android so I doubt they’ll pull the plug on this system anytime soon.
It’s about time we got a major third player in the mobile OS space. Godspeed to Huawei, may they succeed where Microsoft failed.
Yeah, I doubt most people will go this route. VPNs cost money, Twitter alternatives are free.
You didn’t have to do us henpeckers like that
It’s a shame that’s not the default because while do find EVs interesting there’s no way I’m buying a car that may stop working after a failed software update. Did early EV manufacturers feel the need to put as many bleeding edge features as possible in their vehicles to make them more alluring? Cause I can’t imagine another reason to turn a car into a driveable smartphone.
It’s in the fracking ship!!
At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from the classic sci-fi novel Don’t Create The Torment Nexus
Animals also deserve to be killed and eaten.
Yeah, I don’t know about that, chief.
I think glass metal and concrete blobs are cool.
Shhh, let’s just pretend the average IQ over there dropped when we left.
Holy hell
Ooh boy, do I have some good news for you!
Even in winter you’ll hardly ever see snow anywhere in Brazil yet our christmas decorations would make you think this is Northern Canada lol
I don’t know what makes you think South Americans are not under US influence cause I can tell you things in Brazil look exactly the same: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter… well, Whatsapp is also absurdly popular around here but I don’t think it qualifies.
Brazil’s energy will be 270% clean by 2030
Not really, but since we live in a world where most people are happily sharing their lives online it’s easy to imagine how not using social media might make people think you have something to hide and, therefore, can’t be trusted.