I loved the idea of navidrome and also briefly ran an instance, and like you use plexamp heavily. I stopped using Navi because one day it broke, and I found the plexamp experience just better.
Maybe it’s time to try again.
I loved the idea of navidrome and also briefly ran an instance, and like you use plexamp heavily. I stopped using Navi because one day it broke, and I found the plexamp experience just better.
Maybe it’s time to try again.
Jellyfin is actually open source and free. Totally self hosted. Emby is closed source and has a licensing model similar to Plex’s.
And MIPS too. NT 3.1, 3.5, 4.0 all saw MIPS, Alpha, and x86 releases.
Not quite. Graphene provides ‘legacy extended support’ which means they’ll patch any vulnerabilities they become aware of for the OS, but because they don’t have baseband source they won’t be able to address any vulnerabilities in the baseband unless Google releases an update.
The most recent release of grapheneos for 4a is less than a week old.
Yeah I keep discord in one so that it can’t hook my GPU and audio devices.
Subnets…do you mean VLANs?
I have to disagree. I support a Multi-Site org where all windows printing goes through cups servers first, we’ve never had a problem connecting any printer. If anything, it makes it easier for us to replace printers as we can keep the same print queue and send it to the physical replacement printer without the windows devices needing to do anything.
At 10 I was riding my bike into town, 2.5mi, on roads with limits as high as 50mph.
Sometimes I’d ride my bike in on a Sunday, get a lift home, skip the bus from school, walk to my friend’s house, play Nintendo for an hour, and ride my bike home. I’d get there the same time the bus would drop me off and I got to play Nintendo for an hour.
Tell that to my pixel
I got a new laptop last month for $2200US, it has 24 cores. i9-14900HX
I have a T430 that still sees use as an occasional web browsing & Arduino coding machine. I bought it used in 2016 without HDD for $150, and I don’t think I’ve gotten better value for money with any of my other computer purchases to-date.
Do you mean 4th gen core i? If that’s the case, I only recently upgraded from it as well. If you actually mean 4th gen Intel…how’s that 286 doing for you?
He Heard it was the new thing to do.
There is slightly more openness to androids layers than the win32 layers as well.
I still remember symlinking to binaries in my windows system folder back in the late 90s to be able to run office 95 under Linux. (The MSFT system files permitted some things to work properly that just didn’t with the wine provided libraries back then)
James May? Is that you?
Are you including the R&D costs? Best estimates I’ve seen for a mechzilla put labour and materials between 65-95 million USD
I thought it blew up because after tipping over the tanks ruptured - a normal result of a rocket tip-over. Am I mistaken?
I think you’ve got too many zeros on your price estimate, no? The tower is huge, but there’s no way it costs five hundred million dollars.
I do exactly this, and use Keepass2Android on my phone and have nextcloud-KeeWeb installed.
Tangentally related - For anyone looking to take over a project, KeeWeb is looking for a new maintainer!
Because only rich Ukranians could afford them, and the rich ones fled Ukraine when the war kicked up.