Lol my brother that does not sound simple
Lol my brother that does not sound simple
I don’t understand why caps coming with bottles helps recycle them?
Yeah because enterprises primarily use a ton of open source security tools…
Non dev here but curious, why does react suck?
FYI you can get these relatively cheap from Hertz if you don’t mind the base model. Sure it was a rental, but many of them have <15k miles
AI is just this with extra steps
Mystery of the universe, would IPv5 have hit the sweet spot and taken off?
It’s legit, nothing has happened to me so far
Given that it requires self-reporting from the command line, I feel like the people that are more likely to be on the cutting edge may be more likely to report as well
We can, op can’t
If you’re not streets ahead you’re streets behind
In my experience the people crafting these are getting out of hand. When I see these wall to wall in a storefront it makes me wonder what happened to a good old lager.
Dude this is totally how it works.
You have general counsel, firms on retainer, etc and the cost is amortized over all legal needs… And 99.999% of users will never even THINK about legal action nevermind actually pursue it.
It’s the same reason they send C&D letters…an ounce of legal effort (which you likely already have to buy anyway as a corporation) is worth a TON of consumer litigation protection.
This. I had the same issue, and just about every tutorial focuses on the command line, and I get why… It’s way more powerful and actually becomes the standard that people who are using docker repeatedly would need to learn.
That being said, this was my first foray into containerizing things since VMware became a thing. So I needed a UI that felt familiar and helped me understand some of the Dockers specific settings and configurations. This was a godsend in helping me get things up and running, and then later I had to learn how to do it properly with docker compose.
For what it’s worth, I still keep my portainer instance running, and use it for some administration stuff like resets, but I think it helps smooth my learning curve. Docker via the command line exclusively pretty much requires you to understand all of the notions and concepts involved.
Proton VPN Linux support isn’t as clean ootb. I used a docker image that supported vpns (with transmission) that works well and basically just uses the VPN for torrenting by providing an .ovpn config
Touch grass, break glass, crush ass
More like now that it’s taytay it needs to be dealt with
Am I the only person who’s literally never seen such a thing exist in the wild