Because Microsoft were always really privacy and security focused.
Because Microsoft were always really privacy and security focused.
Upvoted with caveats
I choose clean OSs with minimal additional code and settings added by distro maintainers. Fedora is fairly good. ArchLinux is excellent.
ArchLinux actually makes quite a good first distro if you’re willing to learn GNU/Linux. If you grew up with the early non-NT (DOS) Windows then you’re more than used to trying to squeeze the most out of Windows by learning how it works. That was a long time ago now.
I moved from Windows to Linux just after the turn of the century because Microsoft were making it more difficult to use your own OS on your own machine.
After Fedora Core 4+ I ended up using ArchLinux for the longest time. It’s early adoption of systemd was a factor, as was the rolling nature.
Fedora seems favourite as you’ve used it. There’s a new version due toward the end of March so you may want to hang on, to avoid legacy stuff being upgraded. Maybe they’ll remove the x11 drivers. Fedora has changed a lot but you’ll want to install the other repos first thing and there’s also a large move towards flatpak (which works very well).
There’s also the inst.sdboot install flag to avoid the legacy grub install.
I don’t find the install very easy to understand, compared to things like Debian but it’s worth the fiddle.
ArchLinux is the other alternative.
“Your” content? I seem to remember that everything you post is their (meta’s) content.
Why would they delete their own content?
Do it as two separate commands to learn which is causing you the issues.
Is debootstrap the latest and greatest? It’s on Fedora so you can’t always guarantee it’s up-to-date wrt Debian.
Curiously enough I tried to use the rpm/dnf packages on ArchLinux, to create a new Fedora with Ansible, with less than stellar results. It happens that way sometimes.
How quaint.
Running uBlock-Origin for many years. I gave an example not an instance I use.
Things like Privacy Badger block Discord.
Seriously, you’re complaining now? The privacy apps have been blocking Discord for many years.
Turns out we’ve moved on from not realising that deodorant was required in the first place.
deleted by creator
Doesn’t really matter to be honest, you won’t stick with it. You’ll try others. We all do.
Pick a distro in the top part of distrowatch.com and install it.
I’ll wait.
Always crashes after trying to play song in your chosen streaming service (Deezer for me).
Doesn’t cache prior results on phone so will take ages to reload from Google server. Nevertheless, one of my most used and pinned apps on my Pixel 7 Pro/Niagara.
I just wish that they would give it some love.
Email isn’t private. It was designed to be robust not private. Encryption never really caught on; and your counterparties using Gmail or some Microsoft server in the background will kill any expectation of privacy you might have.
WW II’s Gordon Welchman is worth reading about. Similar nasty end as Turing. Not as well known as Turing but a similar contribution before the encryption was actually solved.
Have used Zoho for decades. Dozen domains, three/four actual accounts. Don’t seem to have had any issues with them selling my info - use them with Addy.io. I don’t gain anything from this reference/comment.
Sometimes: a laughing hyena.
If you don’t have tested backups, you don’t have a backup.
deleted by creator
You mean my cosmetic surgeon? I pay on time and go back. What more were you thinking of?
Seriously though, yes. The best thanks is to help them keep the lights on every month.
Here in the UK we were pointlessly getting the clap every Thursday on our doorsteps for the NHS. I may have misunderstood.
If you haven’t tested your backups, you ain’t got a backup.
This isn’t news. Since the second amendment’s Inception, it has never been used for its intended purpose.
There was an invasion of 'Mercan Government buildings in recent years and no-one took guns. Had they believed in the second amendment, that wouldn’t have been true.
I make no judgement as to whether that invasion was right or wrong.
Biden served out his term as expected as a person deep in dementia; a lesson about 'Merca to the whole world. That second amendment is just for school kids to shoot each other in school corridors, because someone cut you up in traffic or so one drug dealer can steal drugs from another drug dealer.
I write as a Brit being fucked over by an authoritarian Marxist government. Somehow we got infected by Woke from 'Merca (anyone else getting the irony there?) and all sides of our legislative bodies caught it.
But the icing on the cake is finding out that, as the world watched Russia invade Ukraine to help recreate the USSR, Trump is a Russian asset but in the different way that Biden was.
Where is your second amendment now, Mercans? Answer: same place it always was.