Correct, if that machine goes down you won’t have any notification. I was thinking along the lines of you are hosting services on one machine while the computer itself is acting as the host or hypervisor.
Correct, if that machine goes down you won’t have any notification. I was thinking along the lines of you are hosting services on one machine while the computer itself is acting as the host or hypervisor.
Quite a lot of work went into your program, I bet you learned some good code while writing it. I’ve used a simple Windows program called Easy Net Monitor. You can specify IP address or hostname connectivity tracking with email alerts.
You can prevent this. Click remind later then go to your notifications in the settings app. Uncheck “Suggest ways I can finish setting up” and anything else you don’t want to see.
I agree. I take my brother laser printer off the shelf, plug in power, plug in USB and push print. I get my jobs with no fuss. I’d never go back to ink jets and their constantly needing expensive ink or clogging.
I was pretty good with T9 back in the day, then the keyboard on the BB Pearl changed everything. I loved the keyboard on the BB Curve the best, banged out tons of messages with friends with BB messenger.