davi [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Try not to judge the city based on a single incident by a scared white man.

    a scared white man; plus hundreds to thousands of people in an entire organization of people tasked with safety of the public protecting that white man; plus the hundreds to thousands of people in a judicial system that can openly sweep it under the run to protect that white man; plus the hundreds of thousands to millions of people that make up the plebiscite that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about it effectively protecting that white man.

    yes, it happens anywhere else in the world too and the only indictment that matter is if any of philadelphia’s organizations with clout doesn’t at lest try to do something about it; lip service and/or promises don’t count, that shit just for the dumbasses and texans who accept eating shit like democrats do and why i moved away.