You’re accusing Cory Doctorow, the guy who invented the phrase “enshittification”, of making a blog post that’s really an advert…? Really???
You’re accusing Cory Doctorow, the guy who invented the phrase “enshittification”, of making a blog post that’s really an advert…? Really???
Have a read on the trouble the 2600 guys have been having sending out emails for the next HOPE conference - the junk filter is also great at filtering out topics it deems unsuitable.
How do you provide evidence you didn’t use something???
Can only speak for the UK but as the lowest civil court here, small claims decisions are not binding on any other court (including other small claims courts) but they are considered “pervasive” and thus a judge should be aware and take them into consideration.
Pronounced “shitter”
You have the same problem as my mother who also cannot distinguish between being told she is wrong and being called a liar.
Although it’s not free, Kagi has been a dream
Thanks, will give it a try!
Best thing about Evernote was its web clipping extensions… anyone use one that’s as good or better…?
Nice generalising there… given all my friends are Android/Windows users I wasn’t trying to show off when I switched over, I just wanted an ecosystem that works when I want to do something… too many times in both Windows and Mint did I have to spend time setting up the system to do something instead of just getting on with it.
Do we have a Fediverse equivalent of Facebook yet…?
I mean I guess it could happen… so I guess why trust anyone? May as well just switch it all off!
This article is a pretty good summary of why, by Google’s own words, an ad driven search experience will be rubbish:
Not only does Kagi produce great search results, as good as “old Google” IMO, its business model means the above cannot (or at least, shouldn’t) happen. If it ever changed its model to include ads etc it would collapse so fast.
So for me, unlike the other poster, I’d recommend it to everyone who’s finding the existing search engines are rubbish and full of useless Etsy and SEO etc links.
The idea is it gives enough time for competition to establish and then everyone completes on an even footing without fettering the original monopoly after it’s no longer a monopoly in that space… arguably it worked as Chrome took over but all that’s happened it it made a new monopoly 🤷🏻♂️
And what happens if they’re a pilot as well???
Unless I’ve missed something I don’t see how this makes WhatsApp worse…? Just don’t sign up to the people’s channels if you don’t want to 🤷🏻♂️
I still think a Usenet like service would be brilliant and it’s a shame there isn’t a Lemmy-like service that has that.
To clarify, what I mean is decentralised infrastructure (you go onto the news server you want) with shared content (ie the same was that every Usenet post ends up on every Usenet server, if that server carries that newsgroup) - it gives all the advantages of federalisation (don’t like your server, just go to another, you lose little or nothing) without the disadvantages of unintuitive discovery and fragmentation.
There was some moderated groups, the group name usually ended in .moderated.
All it meant was somebody with the moderator role on that group had to approve every post… only thing I never understood is how one became a moderator on those groups 🤷🏻♂️
They claim that they don’t link/save your search history so although they have your details for payment, technically it’s not linked. If they aren’t lying…