I would love to do something like this, except it’s way too goofy with the attached controllers.
Steamdeck in a tablet form factor would be perfect.
I would love to do something like this, except it’s way too goofy with the attached controllers.
Steamdeck in a tablet form factor would be perfect.
Yup, that’s what happens whenever “civility” is the primary metric used for moderation.
Trolls post heinous nonsense, and respond to people in the most insufferable rage-bait-y manner. But if anyone so much as calls them an asshole, they get their comments removed for saying a no-no word.
Even without knowledge of the source of the image, there is no reasonable way a normal person interprets that message as a genuine threat of violence.
Because the picture of the “gayroller 2000” is very obvious satire from the known-satire comic The Oatmeal, originally posted to satirise conservatives’ baseless fears of “the gay agenda”. Seeing a pattern?
On the other hand, there a pattern of hostility, hatred, and violence from conservatives towards LGBT people. This pattern is both historical and contemporary, and currently it is absurdly common for LGBT people to be called “groomers” and be accused of being dangerous to children.
Gay people obviously do not want to run over straight people with a steamroller. On the other hand, the people posting wood chipper memes… Some of them would, and have, followed through.
I quite simply do not believe that for even a second.
Let’s not pretend that you actually give a damn about transgender people. This is just concern trolling.
What about gay people?
If you are allowing a company that Elon Musk of all people is involved in to operate on your head, maybe the damage has already been done.
I’m all for transhumanism, and I sincerely hope that the people who are hopeful for Neuralink to be therapeutic for their condition find some relief. But nobody should trust anything Elon Musk touches with their brain.
And the TERFs immediately started threatening every trans person and ally who wouldn’t service them with lawsuits for breaching the Equality Act.
All the “free speech” warriors of course defend them, decrying “cancel culture”, but are oddly silent when the same TERFs file SLAPP lawsuits against people criticising them.
Open source hardware is so desperately needed. Happy to see positive developments.
The definitely do not. They want the government to be involved in private medical decisions about one’s own body. Conservatives love invasive and overbearing governments.
I see what you are saying about the bottom of the stick, but that isn’t the mental model of the people who invert the Y-axis. So that principle doesn’t really apply.
Consider it like plane controls. With the stick in a neutral position as pointing “up”. Left and right are still left and right. But forward and back tilt the nose, which is forward, down and up respectively.
It’s not the same principle for both axes though. I invert just the Y-axis. For me, left is left, right is right, up is “back” and down is “forward”.
I have my complaints about Agile, but a bit different from this list. Teams I’ve worked in have generally tried to spec in quality control measures into story points, to prevent some of the issues mentioned, for example.
My issue is almost always just that the top half of the organisation does not, and will never, conceptualise a software project like agile demands. Business will always want X scope within Y time. And Agile demands that at least one of those to be variable. The backlog represents scope organised by time. Want X features complete? Check the backlog to see when they’ll be done. Want to deliver after Y time? Check the backlog to see what features will likely be ready by that time.
But business will not accept that. They have scope requirements and deadlines to deliver within.
I use traditional on my trackpad. I did get forced into natural scrolling on another device for a while and it wasn’t difficult to switch. But I’m not going out of my way to switch. A trackpad doesn’t have the same mental model as a touchscreen.
I use Ttsu Reader. Browser-based so it’ll run on anything, and has all the conveniences thereof.
Edit: Unless I’m actually using my Kobo, then I’ll just use my Kobo.
Oh it did make everything crystal clear. If one isn’t gullible.
I can’t really relate? At least on my desktop. The software manager integrates with Flatpaks and upgrades them at the same time.
For most apps I’m going to prefer the usual way of doing things. But there are some apps that I actually kinda prefer as Flatpaks. Like Calibre I’m happy to install as a Flatpak. The updates are faster and it doesn’t add a whole host of dependencies that only it uses to my system.
Definitely! I wouldn’t mess around with it either.
Interestingly, that’s the exact opposite of how it works on non-touch interfaces. The edges are prime control areas for pointer-driven interfaces.
Slight challenge to optimise a UX for both.