Why do people find it acceptable to use the bizarre word “sideloading” for the fundamental operation of “installing one’s own software on one’s own device”?
Why do people find it acceptable to use the bizarre word “sideloading” for the fundamental operation of “installing one’s own software on one’s own device”?
Now there you have one more pet peeve of mine, language preference settings that pretend that all language versions are equal, that shitty translations aren’t abundant. If the original text is in a language that I can read then I want the original, not some shitty translation. It shouldn’t be that hard!
Geolocation is an accurate way to predict the user’s language.
Now that’s a pet peeve of mine, a bizarre belief surprisingly often held by people, who must be oblivious to the existence of tourism.
Imagine living in a country with the face of a felon rapist traitor on our currency.
From my experience travelling the world, that’s not particularly uncommon. The US doesn’t have to feel singled out for having such people on their bank notes.
The only one I know of at all is ConnectBot: https://connectbot.org/
When I was a school kid (long time ago) we learned that there’s breakfast, dinner and supper, dinner being the midday meal.
… which isn’t wrong, just incomplete.
The second they make it a mixed code base, that’s the same second quality will deteriorate.
I envy your confidence!
Note that “lunch” and “dinner” both can refer to the same meal, a midday meal, in English:
Anyone who’s job can be replaced by an LLM isnt producing any value.
Well, that’s the problem right there, isn’t it, that a lot of jobs don’t actually produce any real value.
I’ll just leave this here, “An Introduction to German for ABAP/4 Programmer” (SAP):
I have once actually used a console server console server to troubleshoot a misbehaving console server.
I have noticed this too.
Once every 24 hours.
The Danish Realm already has three official languages, adding two more shouldn’t be a problem.
English and Spanish would surely be given the same status as Greenlandic and Faroese.
No hassle? I think you severely underestimate the effort required to learn Danish.
We have now decided that this someone is you.
After selling on eBay I once got the feedback that the buyer was deeply disappointed because what he had received was exactly what had been listed and shown in the photo, but nothing else, which somehow he had hoped for.
This is often done for backward compatibility, as stdbool.h which provides true and false wasn’t standard before C99 and even though that’s more than 25 years ago now a lot of old habits die hard.