Being unthinking is one thing. But the degree that they actively avoid thinking is remarkable to me.
Being unthinking is one thing. But the degree that they actively avoid thinking is remarkable to me.
I saw them going for $10 yesterday in CA. People have reported them going as high as $18. Chicken is also quite expensive and in short supply due to the bird flu disruptions
I am not optimistic. Kevin Rose spent the last few years doing crypto/NFT nonsense, and is now on the AI train. Plus, link aggregators have tried to double down on AI with mixed results. See the example of Artifact, which crashed and burned just last year. There is no business model for this, and if there were, I wouldn’t trust Kevin Rose to deliver it. I say this as someone who was a massive Digg/Revision3/Diggnation fan as a teenager but grew disillusioned.
The article discusses that. This is bringing the EUs approach to Brazil
Another comment suggested that helped with LibreWolf, but that is a closer fork than Pale Moon, so not sure
That’s analogous to saying you won’t call any numbers on certain carrier
It’s possible, but your overall service is devalued if you can’t connect to a large group of people.
I get what you’re saying. But it undermines their efforts in other forums to try to fight climate change, if elites there are cashing in on carbon-heavy crypto, while everyday folks suffer from collapse of fisheries, saltwater intrusion into groundwater, etc
The existence of everyday Palauans is threatened by climate change (sea level rise, coral reef death, heightened typhoon intensity), which is being accelerated by the energy use of proof-of-work coins. Sad to see the Palauan government sell out their own people
Here to cheerfully crush your hopes and say he does!
Yep, I did it earlier today. Took about half an hour to set up, download and convert 75 books and comics
I finally set up Joplin server. It is a revelation after too long using Syncthing to sync databases. I wasn’t able to use Joplin on Android anymore- the sync to file system had gotten too slow. Now everything syncs pretty much instantly!
The flag was a (partially) red flag
I had a teacher put a Confederate flag in our classroom ‘for history’. She also spent the entire weeks-long Civil War module drilling into our young minds that the war was about States’ rights, not slavery.
People can follow and comment to my WordPress from the fediverse. My posts are long enough that they don’t really look right on Mastodon (and images all show up as attachments rather than inline), but nice for shorter format blogs
I do the same, but I’ve run into a bottleneck where Joplin syncs encrypted notes really, really slowly to local storage. So looking to switch to hosted Joplin server
Or I ask to go to Costco, and where Assistant previously would route me to the nearest one, Gemini sends me to one 80 miles away
Fortunately, at the farmers market, you can usually look up the farmer. Eg, visit once or twice just observing, seeing who gets visited by regulars, Google the farm name to look up details and reviews, etc
It is depressing, but I try not to forget we are seeing a sort of survivorship bias of stupidity on the former Twitter at this point. The cohort of remaining posting accounts is dumber and dumber on average. And this dynamic is magnified in the replies, because they are paid blue accounts at the top. Eg, self-selected losers. (The top account has likely just hidden their checkmark)
Edit: PS, are you still using Nitter? I thought it had died?
That’s also what he said he would do and the most convincing reason people flipped from Biden to vote for him