Yes but when I live 40 miles from a city and hate wandering around multiple stores looking for things they may or may not have. But I know I need to change.
Also [email protected]
Yes but when I live 40 miles from a city and hate wandering around multiple stores looking for things they may or may not have. But I know I need to change.
I will admit it’s been super convenient if I need shampoo or toner or drinks or dozens of other things to just take 60 seconds to order it from Amazon and it’s here in a couple days. Well it used to be. Now things often take many days to ship. I canceled Prime about 6 months ago.
It’s advertising for the record label and the artist.
Honestly a music video is basically one long commercial anyway I’m surprised they would have ads.
Yep if Trump wanted those minerals so bad (borderline extortion) why did he and his lapdog immediately fuck up the meeting? Either he’s stupid (entirely possible) or it was a setup and they never planned for the deal to go through. Maybe trying to get further concessions from Ukraine.
That would be nice but would the corporate medical induatry allow that?
Let’s work 20 hour weeks then. Who wants AGI other than war pigs and billionaires?
I canceled my Popular Mechanics subscription 20 years ago because of all the improbable headlines like this. They keep doing it.
Far from it, but he has a surprisingly large number of ass kissers. Good luck maintaining orange baby’s favor though.
Even Spiderman never gets below $20.
Is this an older vehicle that sits with that side facing the sun?
My grandmother told stories of how they would trade farm eggs for coffee from Kroger. Kroger is a bit different these days.
Indeed. I’m starting to think I can’t trust what that Musk guy says.
That’s weird, I thought I used SQL databases from government agencies regularly. Guess I was mistaken.
They probably want single people that live ten to a flat and can afford to work for 30,000 a year.
And Mazda 3. The platforms are the same but engines and interiors a lot different between the Fords and the Mazdas at least.
The randomizing n my Focus ST is good, but when I tell it to shuffle play it always starts with 1 of 2 different songs, every time.
2013 Ford, but I know they shared some technology for a while.
Yeah my car plays the 11,000 MP3s from a SDcard inside the armrest compartment.
Democrats aren’t perfect but we’d be in 92% better shape with one in the Whitehouse right now.