Shit I thought I was so damn novel. Blast you.
Reddit refuge, escentric engineer and serial hobbyist.
Shit I thought I was so damn novel. Blast you.
Don’t try to talk sense into the senseless.
I’ve owned and deployed a lot of pi, every model, and in my experience when I have similar instability as you described its related to the sdcard. Either the sdcard itself or the tray soldered to the pi. I had one pi that would corrupt the sdcard without fail after 2 months and I played with bending the sdcard metal tray inward a little to help press the card better into the contacts and the problem went away. Try fiddling with the sdcard holder or different sdcards.
I got excited because I saw a Honda EV, a prologue. Looked it up, it’s a rebranded Chevy Blazer. Honda is absolutely fucked…
I host it on the host that runs the script and proxy it. I have one mission critial pi that is my uptime bot, pi hole and backup VPN if my elaborate server falls on its face. But you could easily use docker volumes too, and have the script push to that folder.
Yep, here is the yaml but redacted
- type: entities
title: Communication
- type: weblink
name: Webmail
icon: mdi:email
- type: weblink
name: Mattermost
icon: mdi:chat
- type: weblink
name: Mumble Server
icon: mdi:radio-handheld
Similar, but more fancy, I have a bash script that runs every 15 minutes and ingests a config file. The config file has a super simple CSV format of every service I have. It checks that all the services are operational and generates an HTML file from it. If any services are down the HTML will show its down, otherwise its just a helpful link.
I just made a landing page in HASS, if you’re already running three instances could you make a page in one?
See I think that’s where you’re getting lost. Most gun owners are not defined by their guns. They just own them and mind their own business. You’re seeing all gun owners as those military cosplaying scared little boys that put bullets all over their trucks with gun maker stickers to let the world know they really like guns. The vast majority of gun owners are not tools owning tools.
You’ve never shot one and you’re trying to rationalize it,eh? They’re simply a lot of fun to understand mechanically and to use. I have mine for home defense and fun, nothing more. No fetish, no mental problems, I hardly even think about them. They’re simply an impractical tool.
Older speakers like that use always on transformers, constantly wasting energy to keep the core energized. You’re correct those cannot be made any more, they must use efficient switch mode supplies.
Mid to late 90s, Boy meets girl, step by step, family matters, etc. Would just hang there most of the night while both my parents ran the restaurant and if I got too tired I’d pass out in a booth and my parents would wake me when it was time to go home.
Greek, Italian and American fare. How’d you guess?
My parents owned and operated a restaurant for 35 years so I grew up hanging at the bar and huffing second hand smoke while watching TGIF. For me, smelling smoke and stale beer is super comforting. Even typing that I realize is incredibly fucked up but it is what it is. I learned a ton of social skills and relating to all ages and walks of life and it has served me well but its a pretty messed up childhood.
I filed it and completely forgot. 3-4 months later I got an email letting me know I was removed.
Shell companies for a Russian front.
+1 on this idea, going to toss in my recommendation for an AMD 5600g second hand. Its basically a laptop CPU with built in GPU that handles my jellyfin transcoding without issue and has a super low idle power rating if you pair it with a quality, small PSU.
I didn’t down vote you but honestly interested in an adult conversation regarding your stance. If all I use is MS365 and I can use it in a web app with full 2FA how am I a security risk? I can access all the same things on my personal laptop, nothing is blocked, so how is Linux different?
Don’t ask for permission if most of what you do can be run from web apps. Its worked for me for a couple of years, I just can’t call IT :)
I rent two apartments in a state where all of that is not possible. Evictions take months and if repairs are not made quickly the tenant is legally entitled to withhold rent. But while on the topic I am most certainly on the hook for inflationary swings in:
There is no free lunch, no one side is correct. Stop pretending this topic is black and white. There are some good landlords, many bad. Same goes for tenants.