You can also just reset your phone real quick. The first login requires pin / password.
You can also just reset your phone real quick. The first login requires pin / password.
Is comic rack still the standard software for comics?
And can reproduce the whole business in a weekend with the help of AI. There are no moats anymore.
I’m more worried it’s a front to grant increasing power and mobility to ICE. They will need more members, these various militia members will be recruited, and Trumps secret police are formed.
41 percent of young voters are willing to reveal in a poll they find it acceptable.
That’s often what I ask chatgpt for. "For a béarnaise what’s the milk flour ratio? "
I’m a capable chef, I want to get straight to the specifics.
Of fucking course they are.
I use them hundreds of times daily. I’m 3-5x more productive thanks to them. I’m incorporating them into the products I’m building to help make others who use the platform more productive.
Why the heck should I not use them? They are an excellent tool for so many tasks, and if you don’t stay on top of their use, in many fields you will fall irrecoverably behind.
Tell me you’re not using them without telling me you’re not using them.
Who else is going to aggregate those recipes for me without having to scroll past ads a personal blog bs?
You’d think so right? But the Democrats don’t agree.
What did I just say?
False. You blame Democrats for choosing it. You’re thinking about it the way THEY want you to think about it. Divisively.
If the voters say they’re black and white it doesn’t matter. The politicians need to play ball, not the other way.
What response? I’ve never seen such a long comment with zero actual content.
When enough voters say end the genocide or bust, don’t be surprised when you bust after announcing continued support for genocide.
Politicians need to learn to listen to voters. Do not blame voters for this trump presidentency, blame the DNC.
Well actually, folks tried to tell Harris stop supporting genocide or it’s Trump. You don’t blame voters, you blame the individual politician for not listening to the. Kamala is single handedly responsible for all of just as Hillary was.
No write in has ever come close to winning. Don’t be silly.
I lived in Oakland for a while and they had an awesome tool library. Lawnmowers and hedge trimmers, jackhammers, impact drills and saws, dolleys for when you move, automotive tools. It was awesome.