I think it was maybe 4 or 5 years ago I started noticing the greying out in spotify Minute that happened it was back to the high seas
I think it was maybe 4 or 5 years ago I started noticing the greying out in spotify Minute that happened it was back to the high seas
I would assume their point was that a lot of games seem to be driven by self propelling hype I’m not saying it’s not necessarily a bad game, I just think that he means everyone will have forgotten about it by then and everyone will jump on the next hype train
I guess there’s nothing really being added to the conversation but I do see it in my friend groups where people hype up a game, buy it for a week then it’s never mentioned again, the last one being lethal company
Well, thank you for that. That’s a great weight off me mind. Now, if you wouldn’t mind telling me who the hell you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs of course?
Saves time, minimal compatibility, portability and you can update with 2 commands There’s really no reason not to use docker
Though I will admit it took me a while to get there
git add -i is where the true magic begins
They also removed the ability to link third-party list applications so now saying “Add X to shopping list” just sends it into some nether realm where the item is never to be seen ever again.
The speed force
Not great for my use case but your mileage may vary I need very high res with 240hz which is only in beta drivers atm so it’s very difficult to find a distro I can use without messing about
Please for the love of God no Whatever epic released would be half baked and make the entire gaming ecosystem worse