The poor whale x.x. I throught for sure the cat was going to climb the mountain and see the elk herd circling like in their dream.
The poor whale x.x. I throught for sure the cat was going to climb the mountain and see the elk herd circling like in their dream.
Aha ok yeah that does make more sense will give it a shot— thank you!
Let’s say I’m using a streaming service for instance
Wait so if you go to the airport without planning for a flight in advance it’s cheaper? I mean seems kinda like a very cross your fingers way of traveling. However could be fun if cost reduction is significant and going on a common flight route.
I suspect that you could use Linux, but people have muscle memory for certain things ig
Yeah I think it is, they had a similar page
Seriously helpful thanks! One of my friends working on a G15 restoration project pointed out this notation to be after you did— yet while they use 0 for truth they used 20 for false so not sure were they got the second idea. And your vim tip saved me a bunch of hand ache!
Yeah that’s fair— this is my focus workstation so don’t have any messaging apps or email to send the screenshot but def could have taken a second picture.
I guess in reading not until c99(see other comment); they just used integers in place of Booleans, in which case your readability statement makes more sense given the historical context
I’m not sure I understand readability? I guess is disambiguates numeric variables if you used 1 and 0. But with true and false available that would seemingly do the same thing. You still have to know what the arguments your passing are for regardless.
Ahh this makes some sense
The guy made a cool video about it
Maybe he’s talking about some sort of peer to peer thing
Yeah I think a local Git server would be good, will try our forgejo since people seem to like it— I’ve been using git for a lot of projects but not so much for large files and HW stuff since when using GitHub there are size limitations. Does seem like it would be freeing to be able to delete whatever I want from my workstation without worrying about losing stuff
Def going to check this out— I think it will solve my biggest problem with GitHub which is just the number of large files I have to deal with— overthought comments are the best comments- thanks!
Yeah, I really should start using Git for everything, but I’ve been working with a lot of large datasets recently (mostly EEG data). A big part of improving accuracy comes from cleaning the data, which is huge and takes a while to process. I could set up a local Git server to keep track of everything or just save the base data files and regenerate as needed, but on my current setup, that process can take anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on the task. So for now, I’ve just been managing everything locally to save time.
IRC: it’s open source, it’s free, its retro
But Linux is open source? So if hypothetically so distro adopted spying al la windows couldn’t people just change distros? tbh I also think the question is slightly confusing as I don’t understand why OP thinks Mac OS is not standardized but I digress.
I like your optimism best to look on the bright side and all— curious what do you mean by fabless? Do they not require as complex facilities because they’re a larger process or something? Or for some other reason?
Before currency was invented might be a stretch— back then, which was a long long long, time ago we likely didn’t even have professions in the same sense. Albeit Dave might have had a knack for fishing, Kendra for making canoes etc.
There was plenty of space in the wilderness you could just go live for free. Now we have a lot of people, we need agriculture to support that population; there isn’t enough land for hunter gatherer societies to exist without a large population collapse first.
Now to your point I suppose we could have a society without money; yet I think there is some freedom in currency even if everyone gets a UBI. It allows two random strangers to come together and have one person buy something without having to trade an item that the other person wants, then the seller can go buy something they want.
Without currency we would have to have a somewhat complex trading system, which inevitably would see certain items of rarity never traded, or traded for so much surplus goods that a new ironically materialistic moneyed class would develop. It would make for an interesting book, but I think so long as people have varied interests and desires, and create creative works, money is a useful thing.