Lol that’s pretty funny. Of course that’s something Elon would get mad about, an online dick measuring contest…
Lol that’s pretty funny. Of course that’s something Elon would get mad about, an online dick measuring contest…
I mean, not to try and come up with excuses or anything but Lazio is very well known for being supported by fascists, their hooligan group is doing shit like this all the time.
It sounds compelling but like the article states at the end, I’m not sure if it’s going to change much. The DNC are way too timid to even consider challenging on something like this and the 2020 shenanigans have soured a lot of people on the “election fraud” claims.
If you put your tinfoil hat on you could even say that this was part of their tactic: make false claims to annoy everyone only to then commit fraud yourself later. It would he an almost perfect plan.
The difference is that Europe should be more capable of resisting America. We’ll see if that actually happens but given how things have gone before when the EU went after American companies I don’t think they’ll budge easily.
I think some people never learn, especially the people that have their heads so far up their own asses that they only hear the FOX propaganda shouting.
I’m still happy that I went through the effort to delete all my old posts when I left Reddit a while back. I periodically check if they’ve restored them and luckily it hasn’t happened so far. I do miss some of the bigger communities but overall I’m having a good time on Lemmy.
I know right? Executives just never seem to get that you actually need to provide value to have people want to sign up for it. Saying that though, there’s a lot of dumb consumers out there that just pay for it if needed.
I usually just end up recording them if I really want to watch them so I can fast forward through the commercials when I watch it later.
I suppose, except happy hour gives it a bit more of a positive spin. People like getting discount way more than having to pay more. They could’ve definitely handled this one better.
Also, having people pay more at peak hours is potentially going to shift when people start drinking. Day drinkers will most likely become more common that way.
Looks pretty cool, it’s interesting to see how fast drones have developed in the last 10 years
Seems logical imo. With the bigger companies working towards profits more and more over being the “family” companies they once were the workers need more power to push back. This maybe wasn’t needed as much 50 years back but nowadays the Amazons and Teslas of our world try to squeeze their workers for everything they can.
Besides the amount of content (and the occasional server issues) on Lemmy I haven’t missed anything about Reddit after switching.
If this is really the case, then where are the movies that are intended for older audiences? It feels like almost all movies are for a younger target audience nowadays (if that’s what you want to call it). You can argue that Oppenheimer is one but besides that there haven’t been many big movies for older audiences this year.
Speaking as a Dutch person, our infrastructure just isn’t made for cars this size. People basically need to enlarge their driveways to park something like this. So if you need to park a car like this it’s almost impossible. That would stop most people from getting one, except the type of person that does buy one…
Prairie dog yahoo’s cure depression
Dude Gort is my favorite protagonist in the Urban Rescue Ranch anime
This happened to me the one and only time I took an edible… I felt fine until I was just far away enough to freak out about never being able to make it back.
Thanks for sharing these, it always makes me feel more optimistic to hear these things, even if using a forest efficiently means that it takes a while for them to get going.
It sometimes feels like everything is negative nowadays and we’re basically doomed but reading things like these makes me feel like I could make a difference (even if I probably can’t on my own).
Ah yes, the classic “eye for an eye” retaliation that Isreal loves so much /s