Searching “github download webpage video” gives this and more results to try.
Searching “github download webpage video” gives this and more results to try.
Here you have all the packages you can install for specific purposes grouped by categories
commands.txt every command with a one line description and a separator.
What about using TOR instead of a VPN?
The idea is to restore Windows to the same laptop in case I want to sell it, so it shouldn’t have any issues, right?
What are the pros of using Clonezilla instead of dd, in terms of simplicity the command that I wrote it’s hard to beat.
Great, I didn’t know that you can make a checksum of a drive. Thanks.
mpv --ytdl URL. Read starting from --ytdl option in the mpv man page, you can even give specific yt-dlp options through --ytdl-raw-options.
Stealing revenue it’s hypothetical, because it supposes that you were going to pay for the product if it wasn’t available pirated. And that is far from being certain.
Another thing that I do is make an alias: alias pvid=“yt-dlp $(xsel -b) -o - | mpv -”. Install xsel first, xsel -b pastes what’s in the clipboard. So you only have to copy the URL and execute pvid, no need to paste. Or even better make an app that executes that command and put it in the taskbar. You only have to click it after copying.
Go to configuration, external player, choose mpv, in custom external player arguments put: --ytdl;–ytdl-format=best audio+bestvideo ( or whatever format you like). For subtitles and equalization you have to download mpv scripts from github.com/stax76/awesome-mpv in the User Script section. There’s a lot of cool scripts there. You have to put the script in the mpv script directory of your OS.
Use yt-dlp URL -o - | mpv - This way the video goes directly to mpv without using the disk, avoiding the need to delete. It should work with other viewers as well.
Is there a good tutorial for doing that?
Freetube has an option to watch videos in a external viewer. I set it to be MPV which I set it to use yt-dlp to download which allows me to customize many things like video and audio quality, subtitles, equalize audio, etc. No need to copy and use the command line.
Awanllm.com No KYC and you can ask from the command línea through its API.
The FSF has a page with recommended mail services Free Software Webmail Systems
Yeah that’s it! Thanks very much!
I ended up buying an ASUS BT400, it works out of the box in Linux. I found it here