So do you think the wedding dress shop is laundering money for a drug cartel?
Also, is rethinkDNS an alternative DNS which protects privacy?
So do you think the wedding dress shop is laundering money for a drug cartel?
Also, is rethinkDNS an alternative DNS which protects privacy?
Putin is openly anti-communist.
What about the fact that many large VPNs are owned by (the same) ad companies / data mining companies? Despite the technical discussion, aren’t we ultimately placing our trust in the hands of the untrustworthy?
Propaganda is usually truthful or exaggerated truth. It’s the framing that is important. Some facts are focused on. Some facts are omitted.
I acknowledge that Russia, China and the DPRK have made mistakes and even done things that are deeply questionable. But I’m interested in comparing their mistakes or misguided actions to those of the most powerful military empire on earth. The one involved in hundreds of military actions and dozens of coups since its inception. The one with the largest per capita prison population on earth. The one which controls many of the world’s financial levers.
There is a difference in the scale of their mistakes or bad actions. Propaganda distorts that difference of scale. It focuses on the crimes of the “enemies” / “axis of evil” / “rogue states” but doesn’t examine context or culpability of the empire. They’ll choose one conflict, downplay 9 others, and give a one-sided view of that one conflict.
That’s how propaganda works. Every state produces propaganda. One state produces billions of dollars of propaganda each year.
I use Keepass2Android. Is there some reason Keepassxc is better, or just an alternative?
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty is straight up State department propaganda.
Calculator?! Those thieving, energy-sucking piles of garbage! Abacus till I die!
But seriously, AI is insidious in how it data mines us to give us answers, and data mines our questions to build profiles of users. I distrust assurances of anonymity by big data corpos.
Let’s not have advertising slogans in posts about products here on Lemmy. Reddit really has that going on if you’re into it.
Would be funny if Boeing started cutting corners with their hitmen, too.
So instead of having people spend 60% of their income on housing we will have some slightly annoyed people who aren’t in the neighborhood they want to be in, spending <20% of their income on housing. Sounds like an improvement to me.
When you decommodify a thing the state takes a role to ensure the good or service is provided to all. You can have a mixed system with private and public construction. But as long as there is a robust public housing sector, prices for all houses will be much lower than in the current system where we have scarcity.
Sounds like he has Nosferatu plans
deleted by creator
Someone could build an army of clones of you, launch galactic war, and then you’d be hated all over the galaxy. Assuming you have good genes. Probably they made a bad movie about this.
What if we didn’t even have ads on the internet?
That’s because you haven’t tried cool ranch yet
Purchased upvotes and downvotes that make criticism invisible
I suggest using the Hogwarts Sorting Hat to assign a server to each new wizard.