I thought they already test the milk from each farm. Truck comes to pick up your milk and takes a sample to check quality and butterfat levels to pay out on. If you allow bad milk into the truck, you just bought the whole truck as it can’t be used.
I thought they already test the milk from each farm. Truck comes to pick up your milk and takes a sample to check quality and butterfat levels to pay out on. If you allow bad milk into the truck, you just bought the whole truck as it can’t be used.
Kagi! I can’t say it enough, it’s the new growth in the underbrush from the dumpster fire of google. Web archive of sites is there and tot can use context filters. You can even prioritize sites in results. I don’t to see Pinterest in results ever again.
Yes it’s a paid search, but the priority is bringing quality results without ads. This is a reasonable trade off to me that, so far, keeps their interest in serving the searching end user as their customer, not their target.
Slam blocked by uno reverse card apparently
[quote]The order, which also imposes a $10 million civil penalty judgment, has been suspended due to XCast’s inability to pay.[\quote]
With is default blank admin password, ahh these were the days.
But windows ME, that’s where it was at!! /s
Thanks for this recommendation as it’s potentially a logical step. I’ve thought about this but not researched it enough, yet. I don’t understand enough about the differences yet. Hypothetically, do I need or want Mint on Debian, or do I just want to get the real deal? Not posing the question to you, just what I’ve yet to research further. Mint is currently working fine for me, so there’s no rush.
I’m sure it’d be fine, I’m probably not willing to put in the right amount of effort. I think a big fear for me is I use the computer for work, and while I have others, I prefer this one. I may not have the 15-30min to research and resolve something I did to myself.
I also try not to be the person who asks for help on the same question for the 17th time.
So far I’ve always been able to find answers in documentation or communities. Turns out I’m not so unique. ;).
I’m with you here, sometimes I’m really lazy and don’t want to mess with it. Other times I’m hell-bent on doing something I know how to do in a GUI through terminal.
Mint has let me keep my system OS rock solid, and I’m not afraid to try about anything in the vm. Reinstall when time permits or just roll back to a snapshot.
I’ve got time shift installed, but I use my computer for work, so there’s some draw to stability and having everything just work.
I looked at Manjaro VERY briefly, and I played with Endeavor a bit. I installed several distros as VMs just to poke around. I found Debian familiar which is likely the main reason I find myself leaning that way.
Mint was my “gateway distro” to get away from windows as a daily driver. It still is my daily driver and it’s given me enough guardrails to not screw it up too badly and learn.
I’m looking to go further up stream towards Debian. I’ve looked at arch and “arch that’s not allowed to be called arch because it has a gui installer”, but I’m not ready/able/“risk-tolerant-enough” to keep that stable as my daily driver. Fedora dormant seem quite right for me.
I really like mint, it meets my needs, has treated me well.
This is the spirit is what I’m after. It’s likely usually going to seem lopsided if I’m paying to have one meal delivered, but If in having a meal for a small group or the family with some leftovers expected, it likely seems more reasonable. The people doing the work shouldn’t be getting screwed, the business should get to cover cost and make a small profit, and the customer gets to make choices without having to do fee gymnastics for every different place with a sprinkle of guilt that you’re responsible to decide what to pay the workers via tip.
I expect food delivery to be kinda expensive, you’re usually saving me 30-45 min to go get it, wait for the order, and return.
Is it too much to ask that I might be able to just pay for this service? Sometimes I want or need food ordered. If it costs $20 to have it delivered, and pay the delivery person fairly, sometimes that’s worth the cost to me. I wish tips were an extra for “thanks for doing something above and beyond or awesome”. They shouldn’t need to be expected.
$1.99 convenience fee $4.25 app fee $3.99 delivery fee Oh, and don’t forget to tip your driver because none of this goes to them.
^^^^ this cap needs to stop. Just give me the $15-$20 delivery fee and be done with it.
This feels like google when google was new. I’ve been using the summarizer more and reading the articles I send it to understand how it works. It definitely has its use cases
It was the license that came on an Acer laptop. Completely non transferable per Microsoft.
I called support, they said no. Asked for a one time exception, still no. The key to my knowledge was only used once on the laptop when I bought it new.
I wasn’t investing any more time in it.
There could be a bit of a caveat here. I when I purchased my laptop it had windows 10 installed. When I installed Mint, I could not reuse that key in a VM because it was “different hardware”. The license, could not be transferred under any circumstance. I had also purchased the upgrade to Pro through the windows store. That’s also lost.
I seldom run windows, even in the VM, but it still leaves one a bit bitter.
Brother or business class printers. Go laser. I hear the eco tanks are decent if you need to print volume with an inkjet.
Almost any consumer grade printer will be pricy to operate.
That’s the point. You can’t be identified. You will be stopped or harassed until you comply and be willing to be identified.
Welcome to the brave new internet.
Ok, I realize this is c/selfhosted, but I have a question… why not use something like the xBrowserSync extension for this?
Aside of someone could associate the data to me for my list of favorite web places, which has 100 other exposure points. Is there another use case you’re solving?