It’s literally the worst distro,
Endeavoros is fundamentally better in every way, everything manjaro adds makes arch worse, and everything good they have comes from arch.
I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.
Your local herpetology guy.
Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!
It’s literally the worst distro,
Endeavoros is fundamentally better in every way, everything manjaro adds makes arch worse, and everything good they have comes from arch.
I use keyd for this.
For graphical installer - there are already plenty of these for arch that aren’t manjaro and don’t fuck up your system like manjaro does
As for package manager frontend… pamac is awful, just use octopi or any TUI.
There was no need to make a whole new distro for those two things, and those two things aren’t even well polished. They should’ve just made those tools for arch, and called it a day.
Manjaro 100%
Everything they add to arch makes arch worse. Everything good about manjaro comes from arch.
Not in the long-run. This is absolutely a temporary issue due to the beta quality of lemmy.
here’s an issue tracker for that, I don’t think it’s really something that fundamentally makes it worse than a forum, honestly.
I use noto sans medium everywhere. (and the mono version for the terminal ofc)
What exactly does it do worse than one of those?
How is Lemmy not a forum?
You should read stirner.
I think the notion that humans are evil means you must be a conservative is laughable honestly. I’m a communist and I certainly don’t believe humans are naturally good or selfless in any way.
Hyprland or sway, anything wlroots based really, and I use alacritty.
I installed Manjaro for many people and have thoroughly regretted it, using it was a battle and over time the install would for seemingly no reason break.
I no longer give people manjaro, endeavor is significantly better. Or the arch installer.
As someone who is a die-hard linux user who would never even consider using windows, I would never even consider a system76 over a framework, honestly.
The benefits of federation are vast, and the downsides are temporary, all of your issues are currently working to be solved.
Also, as for picking which technology to use, why would you not just use the most subscribed?
Federation is just harder to bulid in the first place, that’s why you’re having any problems at all, the devs are ironing out all of this, and there’s going to be better solutions for all of this, you’re at the dawn of the lemmy fediverse, it’s not mature and you shouldn’t expect it to be.
We need federation for our future, if you don’t want a single corporation to control all the content on a website, you should value this, over the minor annoyances that are currently happening (BUT ARE NOT FUNDAMENTAL)
If an instance is federated, competition is automatic, look at what happened to reddit, right? Do you want that to happen again? If not, you should value federation, all of that is completely prevented by lemmy with little to no downsides for the end user (long-term).
Yes, you’re experiencing problems with federation now, but they’re actively working to solve these things, and once they’re solved, you’ll end up with a version of reddit where you’ll never have to worry about anti-user changes being implemented, or even pro corporation propaganda.
It’s more fundamental than just the api thing, reddit is literally designed in a malicious way because it’s goal is to make money off of you, lemmy is not.
You really have to look at the bigger picture here and realize the problems you’re listing are both minor and solveable, and while they are related to federation, the problem isn’t federation, it’s that lemmy isn’t very mature.
Here’s what was written there:
I think there’s a team of people intentionally spreading lemmy misinformation. I think reddit is trying to get people not to switch from this platform
People are saying the same things everywhere, but on any analysis, they don’t actually make sense, let me give an example:
Lemmy is absolutely too convoluted for normal people. “There are multiple servers, many of which overlap with each other content-wise? Which one am I supposed to use? This isn’t as simple as reddit,” says the photographer who posted to /r/earthporn, says the politics junkie who posted in /r/worldnews, says the creative writer who posted to /r/nosleep.
There is no way to prevent this from happening again. It will happen again, no matter what. If Lemmy gets big, it will only do so if a couple servers rise above all others so the normies can understand that those are the servers to join… and those servers eventually will take advantage of their users just as reddit has done."
There’s no aspect of truth to this comment, as an example, let’s try actually doing what they’re saying is too hard:
click “communities”
search “news”
oh, there’s the one at the top with the most subscribers
So, did they just make up that it was too convoluted for normal people? Yes. Is there some truth to the notion that there are multiple communities for the same thing… Also yes, but there are on reddit too, it’s no different than r/art and r/art1 r/art2 and the billion other subreddits in a similar position. People just search and then use the largest one… so is it an actual problem, or is it just grasping at straws? You be the judge of that.
Are there things that make lemmy difficult? Yes, but they’re rapidly being solved and extremely minimal, other than that issue tracker, the other thing that might stop you is that some lemmy instances require a message and approve signup, this is because they widely aren’t monetized and are run by volunteers with no intention of ever monetizing. Neither of these things are real blockers to normal human adoption, and neither of them are long-term fundamental issues.
If you think federation is too complex for normal users, I ask you, why does email face no such difficulty? Why is nobody complaining about how difficult email is because of federation?
The other issue is genuinely a problem, the lemmy developers are tankies… however, lemmy is released under an open source license, none of their ideology is being injected into the code, and this is akin to worrying about the ideology of the developers of email. Use an instance not created by them, and you’re safe from this entirely, I recommend
Don’t let the misinformation factory stress you, I don’t have proof that reddit is doing this on purpose, but this seems to be a common set of lies… and if you don’t like lemmy anyway, there’s also kbin, which federates with lemmy but is made by completely separate developers.
Federation is NECESSARY for a non-corpo/government propaganda AND control ridden future. If reddit were federated, nobody would give a fuck about this api thing, because we’d just go to another instance, and all of our content would still be available on that other instance. That’s why reddit fears federation, none of the issues with lemmy are fundamental, let’s build a better future, one where we don’t have to hope a benevolent centralized monopoly/dictatorship on a community will work for us!
And lemmy is the only way to save these precious reddit apps:
even better: post links to your IT help queries on lemmy to reddit.
I think peertube is going to be much more difficult, videos require an insane level of compute/bandwidth to distribute.
I think peertube may have it’s day eventually, but it won’t be for much longer than link aggregators/microblogging
I use f2fs on ssd’s and ext4 on hdd’s
I don’t see the need for snapshots, I backup externally