Yes, American munitions export controls
Yes, American munitions export controls
Commercial CAs are not that better either
That was France, not the EU
The road is being paved for Clippie’s return
Paradoxically he ended up in a sort of care facility. Some “care” but maybe not the care he needed
He has a good point as this monoculture of systems and models would very greatly amplify any market imbalance and defects, at a speed human bank managers would only realize when getting notified of their impending bankruptcy
4Gb is not much under Windows 11 and running Chrome
Silicon valley has a massive indian community that also discriminates among their own (see the issue with dalit/caste), so not surprised that they would censor the murder of the Sikh leader
Too bad truth decay is very useful for politicians on both sides of the aisle and AI researchers who were involved in this are just tools
Nintendo of America must have paid $$$ to the politicians
I heard about multiplexing in a radio frequency context, first time on digital… how would it work?
Comrade, Maria is perfect japanic name, spasiba
Ukyo Katayama was a Xenix user then
The issue is hospital administrators thinking that AI is the answer to boost profits
The fear is that hospital administrators equipped with their MBA degrees will think about using it to replace expensive, experienced physicians and diagnosticians
On the other side, one may be able to fry an egg on the hood
Maybe all this is on purpose so he can blame the factory workers on why the product never materialize and he can avoid the shame of having unsold inventory as people realize the car is fugly
Bill Gates still doesn’t get the internet thingamajig
People say that way of thinking is cynical, but I have worked in the system implementation and system consulting arms of EDS, IBM, and Accenture and that assumption (that the whole thing can be maintained by junior devs one the initial build is complete) is actually how middle managers within client companies have to budget their transition from “build” into “business as usual” stage so that senior managers approve the system implementation/migration.
While the concept that it takes specialized knowledge and experience is true, not having means to retain experience means that it will be chaos some six months down the road when some manager wants to do an enhancement as none of the juniors will understand why certain design choices were made and the implications on the rest of the architecture
The west innocence or sense of infallibility is a problem. People need to take air gapping of networks more seriously