Fuck ICE. pieces of shit
Fuck ICE. pieces of shit
Also remove null reference
“Well, you saved us from the fascists, but it is illegal for you to be a furry and the penalty is death”
“But that was one of the laws the fascists made! Why the fuck would you honor that?”
“They take the low-road and we take the high-road. If you only ever remove legislation the other side enacts, you’ll never get anything done, ya know?”
I mean, didn’t he famously steal the idea?
You had a good read
Love that there’s no study in the neutral. Just a rebuttal sponsored by Dyson.
That’s a part of it as well. If you make roads visibly narrow, with nearby obstacles, not a lot of people would feel comfortable speeding down that street, even if they were inclined to speed. Example:
Whereas in America, suburban “neighborhoods” have extremely wide streets with houses at extreme setbacks in an attempt to limit the danger to… cars, I guess, for their reckless driving. Everything about them screams “you can drive whatever speed you want, you won’t be hitting anything”. Example:
I mean it does effectively demonstrate something Strong Towns advocates. People drive to the speed of the road, not the posted limit.
But yeah, agreed
Naming winter storms is cringe. Just pathetic hype for for-profit weather companies.
I mean, 63^6 is a lot of possibilities, but just make the password longer to increase its security.
Blocking out special characters is dumb, but as others have pointed out, they’re probably not sanitizing inputs.
Just one note, restaurant prices go up because uber eats charges a percentage based fee for each menu item. So, restaurants need to up the prices on the app just to make the same amount of money. Just some good ol’ under-the-table fuckery courtesy of Silicon Valley bastards.
Nah, let’s use this information to squeeze even more money out of people. Gotta be the first person to be responsible for the majority of human suffering capital. /s
Did you consider that Microsoft lawyers said prices wouldn’t go up? Cause they did, they did say that, which is why the merger was approved. Do you think lawyers can just lie? Don’t you think it’s much more fair now that companies can make pinky promises that prices won’t go up before they become more monopolistic. That’s just good business for both customers and businesses /s
he did it
so they would buy carsto kneecap any union effort.
Don’t get me wrong, he did the right thing, but it was to stop a union being created rather than some 4D chess move. He did use your logic as the excuse, though.
Nope. Federal law is binding in all 50 states
Wasn’t this a part of “Sorry to Bother You”? Fucked up
… why are you boldly speculating on OP’s language status? That’s pulled directly from the article
Checked other sources, the restriction is only in place for three years.
Please. Please tell me no one is actually considering online voting. There’s no way to maintain anonymity and vote integrity.
Surprise Medical Billing has mostly been nerfed after the No Surprises Act here in the US. After 2022, so long as you went to an INN provider, then you can’t be charged OON pricing for any OON services that you may have encountered during that visit.
Source: https://www.health.state.mn.us/facilities/insurance/managedcare/faq/nosurprisesact.html
Also, I work in insurance as a software engineer