I’m happy my company basically issued a ban on Windows without pre-authorization. We’re entirely a macOS and Linux shop.
I’m happy my company basically issued a ban on Windows without pre-authorization. We’re entirely a macOS and Linux shop.
I used to just use Firefox for Google Meet, but it seems they broke it somewhere along the way. Probably on purpose.
“A couple of decades”
Buddy…it’s 55 years old now. Lol.
Interesting movie concept, though. Would love to see something like this remade today with modern revelations.
The efficiency comes from the lack of voice processing. The beeps and boops are easier on CPU resources than trying to parse spoken word.
That said, they should just communicate over an API like you said.
As a fellow Mint enjoyer who is too fucking old to be fixing their desktop all the time…yes
Really? Nice. Didn’t know that about Flatpaks.
While I prefer Debian packages, what’s wrong with Flatpaks other than a bit of bloat caused by redundant dependencies? They’re not Snaps.
Cool story. I don’t care if they know I fucking hate them.
I’m using a Ryzen Mini PC running Debian and Flex Launcher.
Works well as both a media consumption machine and light gaming rig.
Per usual, Rackspace is about 18 steps behind everyone else
I’m assuming you meant 512GB, as 500MB wouldn’t even hold the OS.
Also, you can get a replacement battery from iFixIt for $89.
God we’re so fucked
Xfinity/Comcast hijacks DNS, even if you use another DNS server (they just redirect DNS requests to them). I suspect that they’re using it for analytics data to sell while disguising it as “security”.
They also block access to root DNS servers, so you can’t use a full DNS Resolver run locally. It’s super f***Ed.
If you want to ensure they don’t do it, use your own modem and always force DNS over TLS.
It looks like it’s going to be a staging ground for things to be merged into Weston proper, along with potentially some newer and better features coming to it exclusively or first.
As long as it’s open source, sounds like a win to me. More AMD embracing Linux as a first party OS is good in my book.
It also started before that when GN/Steve got tired of LMG’s inaccurate reporting, so he posted a deep dive into LMG issues with inaccuracy. That really started the public demolition of their working relationship.
Still don’t understand this. For $140 you’re 1/3 the way to a brand new OLED deck and even closer to a refurbished one. And you have an LCD model you can sell to make up the difference.
Every endpoint device I use is using full disk encryption, yes.
This is the way
Thank you. Corrected.
This firmware update applies to laserjets. Not inkjets.