Don’t worry, every pocket of every cargo pant is full of their morals and critical thinking skills. Nothing to worry about here!
My Greatest Friend || Aug 5th, 2014 - Feb 15, 2025 || “If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.”
Don’t worry, every pocket of every cargo pant is full of their morals and critical thinking skills. Nothing to worry about here!
The vast majority of games work just fine with 16gb RAM. I recommend running your higher speed modules as dual-channel and selling/repurposing your previous hardware.
Unless they are the same brand and specification, patchwork RAM tends to have compatibility issues leading to software hanging and potential crashes. YMMV.
ETA: Honestly you’re more bottlenecked by your CPU. I’d recommend finding a used Zen2 chip if you can, such as the Ryzen 5 3600. I have a 3600x in my home desktop with a basic Coolermaster dry tower. I’ve never gone over 70°F/~21°C on fairly high settings of TW:3K. That should speak enough of Zen2’s performance.
“In case you haven’t caught on, I just slipped my dick down your throat, and you thanked me for it.”
~ Negan Smith Elon Musk
Who do I crowdfund to DDoS the DDoS’ers?
The Internet Archive, and by extension the Wayback Machine, are integral to Internet democracy and accountability. We can’t lose that.
I wonder if a layer of Ripstop over the tiles would reduce performance. I could imagine fabric being a less expensive option than R&Ding more proprietary tech like making the tiles even smaller.
Edit: Glossed over the fact the tiles rotate. Nevermind me.
I could see them innovating with electromagnetic suspension, like with predictive magnetic suspensions in supercars. General Atomics has also been developing a rarely green-lit, high-speed maglev train for freight in California, so we may see proliferation of that tech if the project shows success.
To defeat the Narcissist, you must BE the Narcissist.
They’re all wearing khaki, that’s enough proof for me.