Blarney Gnome
Blarney Gnome
As someone who works retail, I’m pretty shameless when it comes to kicking people out. I do it politely and with a smile but I have no problem telling customers we’re about to close or are closed.
I first read it that way too.
That’s good to know, thanks.
Used to live in a townhouse where two doors down this old guy would always sit outside and smoke his cigars. (The neighbor in the unit between us said that he is the oldest retired Chicago Bear still living. Edit: Found out the guy’s name. John Damore.)
I worked from home at the time. Every time when it was a nice day out, not muggy, with a cool breeze, I would open up our windows and smell nothing but his cigar smoke.
This is what I keep saying too. To believe that so many people would keep a secret is just insane. Like the conspiracy about the NFL being rigged. It’s not even just the number of people involved and the passage of time. With all the egos on any given team, there’s no way all the players, the coaches, and everybody else would roll over and throw a game just because that was "the plan"for that year.
I don’t understand any of that, but I’m about to move into a brick house and now I’m wondering if my cell signal is going to suffer.
I like to imagine this means “fixed that for thee.”
That’s exactly what the Forward Party is doing, as I understand it. Local level, working their way up. And like I said to the other person, I want to be hopeful because I get updates about local candidates running and winning local elections, but it’s hard to know what’s truth and what’s propaganda.
Also from what I understand, what they were trying to implement is ranked choice voting, though it’s been years since I delved into it and don’t actually know if they’re still trying to do that.
Why downvote? That’s exactly what I’m saying. I get news updates saying this person and that person have been elected at the local level, and the work is slow but supposedly they’re chipping away at the problem. I want to be hopeful but find myself wondering if it’s just propaganda.
I wonder if we’ll ever get out from under the boot of the two-party system. Yang’s Forward Party is trying and they’re supposedly making progress, but man I just feel so tired and jaded at this point.
Any Expanse fans? We need James Holden to stick his dick in it.
It was the “hours kneading and rolling and cooking” that gave it away for me, then the end confirmed it.
Suggestion: Get some canned refried beans. With the tortillas and cheese, you can make burritos.
Better suggestion: Get a bag of dried pinto beans and learn how to make your own beans. It’s really simple, just needs to be aimmered a long time.
I’m now rereading the original comment in my head with a Russian accent. It totally takes the edge off, actually makes it comical.
Damn, might be a US-only thing then.
For everybody who thinks we should get paid for our data, you may want to consider the Data Dividend Project:
I feel like that could happen in the same way that “you and I” became a common overcorrection.
That comforting hum/scratch sound. 👍🏽
I just cancelled my subscription and got a refund too. Good riddance.