Did you know Wayne Gretzky and his brother hole the record for highest scoring brother duo in the NHL?
That comment reads the same way.
Did you know Wayne Gretzky and his brother hole the record for highest scoring brother duo in the NHL?
That comment reads the same way.
It works fine for 90% of your use cases…the exotic stuff will need real engineers though, the script kiddies aren’t powering through some of those problems.
Is China really that much worse than Trump’s regime? It sounds like we are all fucked outside of Europe.
You don’t have to spread rumors. The Truth is scandalous enough. The cult will cult.
The R&D on that jet would have solved world hunger and provided free healthcare for the whole US. Instead, we kill our pilots with them. Excellent use of funds.
I want to believe, but decentralizing is what got us into this mess. The Fox people lived in their own world long enough that it created this whole alternate reality that spawned Trump.
If we keep our heads in the sand 2028 is going to end up exactly the same and we will all be scratching our heads when the Undertaker becomes president.
And one more time on the way out, the Democrats fuck themselves. Biden should have let it stand and blame it on the Rs.
Nah…I’m spoken of in four letter words by the magats…CNN is a bad source these days.
being entirely reliant on a commercialized, sycophant AI that could be used for manipulation, investing large amounts of money in it…
If you’re using the internet regularly, you’re falling into the first hole mentioned there. That ship has sailed.
investing large amounts of money in it…
At the current divorce rates (1/3 to 1/2 depending on which metric you use), it’s likely a better investment.
I’m in the camp of if it can fulfill a need, go with it. It’s odd as hell maybe, but I’m just old and antiquitated in my views maybe.
Lol…no…dude…This will disappear in a few days. He’s not sucking all that Trump stubby for nothing.
Except it’s not. I was excited when I read the headline…it’s only for people under an income threshold.
It’s going to turn broadband into healthcare as they try to make up that profit.
I’m still really struggling to see an actual formidable use case
It’s an excellent replacement for middle management blather. Content that has no backing in data or science but needs to sound important.
My favorite thing I’ve got off eBay so far was a catalytic converter. It was empty.
My state doesn’t do emissions, and I kind of knew what I was getting…but wow…I can’t believe a company would allow that in the first place.
You’ve clearly never lost a dispute on eBay. It’s possibly the worst customer experience I’ve had.
I needed a glass part for a projector, it showed up broken. Tried to send it back and the seller offered like a 10% refund. eBay…after waiting a week (mandatory dispute resolution time) showed up, spent another week trying to meditate, the just said fuck it, the seller is right, eat a dick and your broken color wheel.
eBay gives you the illusion of consumer protection until you actually need it.
But no, based on some of the car parts and things I’ve gotten off eBay…the quality is objectively not better than what I’ve seen off Temu.
Dunno…I’m not saying Microsoft isn’t doing bad things…I’m just saying they wouldn’t be my priority.
I’ve met people that have gotten decent stuff off there. Their clothes seem nice and the electronics are hit and miss.
It’s about the same rate of crap to quality as EBay these days, and Amazon is only marginally better.
Weird…very weird. AWS owns nearly 50% over 30% of the web, but they’re going after MS for a shitty product (Azure), which is at 20-25%
Agreed…the community editions of their tools are solid, but if you’re doing cloud stuff, get your company to pay for it. It blows VS Code out of the water.
VS Code is OK if you can’t afford the JetBrains ultimate subscription. I never want to see a VS Code launch configuration again.
We need common sense protections from the corporate emperors who rule said technologies.