I don’t know the guy’s politics, and I don’t care to know them, but if you have a super generic, easily replaceable export, you should avoid presidents who fuck around, because you’ll be the one who finds out.
I don’t know the guy’s politics, and I don’t care to know them, but if you have a super generic, easily replaceable export, you should avoid presidents who fuck around, because you’ll be the one who finds out.
Russia, if you’re listening…
Making the government unable to operate is the point.
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Even though I play Path of Exile, I really don’t care that he’s cheating at it, except insofar as it reveals what an insecure little child the (arguably) most powerful man in the world is.
The media really moved swiftly back into “Stop the fucking presses, Donald Trump just sneezed twice in a row” status
If we’re talking about breaking tech oligarchs hold on social media, no closed server anywhere comes close as a replacement to meta or Twitter.
Too high of a barrier to entry is doomed to fail.
If we’re referring to restricting who can use your IPs as a form of quality control, I can see where you’re coming from. I fail to see how jealously guarding consumers from accessing games released years ago has anything to do with the quality of what they release today.
I’m no expert, but I think it’s also a quirk of how copyright law works in Japan. Apparently if you don’t consistently restrict other people from using your stuff, you weaken your case when you DO try to stop it.
I recall reading early on that DNC campaign advisers were recommending against continuing with the “weird” rhetoric, and the article mentioned some specific people who had worked on the 2016 campaign. It floored me that those people still had jobs. I guess they got their way eventually. I now have no expectation that they won’t be doing the same shit in 2028.
DNC Leadership would rather lose with a neoliberal candidate than win with a progressive one.
Is it, though?
Why isn’t Michael Bloomberg on here? He’s worth more than all these combined.
People usually think of the wealth gap as an abstraction, but the widening wealth gap very literally means more and more of us can do worse and worse without it being reflected in the overall “economy.”
the new NYU guidelines introduce an unprecedented expansion of protected classes to include “Zionists” and “Zionism.”
History books are going to be written on how the stars aligned to make a political view qualify as a protected class, and how it turned out.
This story became much less interesting after I realized they were worried about tweets about Taylor Swift, not tweets made by Taylor Swift.
I don’t understand how we got into this doublethink that a job’s responsibilities can be necessary while still somehow being beneath allowing those who do it to live.
Yeah, if they wanted to be able to have a life after working full time for decades, they just shouldn’t have been poor. Duh!
No, let’s. The wealthy have been quietly waging class war on the rest of us for decades. If we do it out in the open I feel much better about our chances.
I’m morbidly curious how they’ll manage it. It’ll be like a slow moving car wreck you can’t take your eyes off of.