Arrrr ye mateys.
Arrrr ye mateys.
My guess is not too well. He’d crumble into a tiny ball and wait for it to be over. Man just when you think someone in the US can’t make things look any worse than they already are…
I hope they make us pay for it! 🇨🇦
Then the dude has balls of steel.
Black bears are often all show. They huff l, grunt and sometimes charge. If you hold your ground and like this dude look big and make horrible noises, it’s typically enough to get them to back the hell off.
Edit: although this one may be a brown bear. So 50/50 chance of disembowlment.
Soaker of course. I mean who doesn’t like a good soaker?
Did we just become best friends? YUP!
I may be way off here. But I believe a mini split and heat pump are the same thing? At least where I live the term is interchangeable.
I found my people.
Look at All those folds. No smooth brain here.
Sounds appropriate.
Every bit helps. I can’t tell others to make changes if I don’t do it myself.
For the sake of my kid I’m willing to do anything.
I’m terrified for my kiddo. We’ve done all we can over the past 10 years. Went plant based, got our winter heating off oil, ride electric bikes, all my lawn tools are electric, bought an EV. I’m running out of ideas.
Don’t leave us hanging. How’d it taste?
Balls or chin, I do not know It matters not, let the beans flow
This makes much more sense.