Implying he only makes executive orders about things he has a say in.
Implying he only makes executive orders about things he has a say in.
It really depends. My company, you always do the high deductible. The OOP Max is only $5k compared to $13k for the other. The difference in premiums plus my employers contribution to the HSA are more than the difference between the two deductibles. The plans cover the same stuff. I don’t really get why they’re set up how they are.
The 1% Arabic and 6% English weren’t global speakers but Afghani speakers.
The goal is to mess up price history. So it will have a list price of $50 but with a coupon to make it $35. Then a sale day happens and they lower the price to $40. It’s 20% off! Good deal.
It doesn’t really help if you’re comparison shopping with alerts. I don’t know that Amazon thinks you’re going to go to another site.
The green doesn’t follow that.
Because small children absolutely adore it.
If the change is a new untracked file
Wasn’t the issue that it deleted a bunch of preexisting untracked files? So old untracked files.
Why are we trying to give up everything that makes us human by offloading it to a machine
Because we don’t enjoy actually doing it. No one who likes writing is asking chat gpt to write for them. It’s people who don’t want to write but are required to for whatever reason. Humans will always try to come up with a way to not have to do the work they don’t want to but still get it done, even if it’s not as good. Using tools like this is very human.
Marketing isn’t a fan yet. Give it a year, and then we can sell it as efficency.
Or the result of cost cutting…
I think I just misunderstood what you were referencing with the podcast. It just seemed like a general puff piece from before the drama based on the description and what I listened to of the clip.
Mullenweg just took over AFC so that everyone who installed the non-pro version will now have his version instead. It’s part of this whole crazy drama in the WordPress ecosystem right now. It’s just funny to see anyone saying anything else about Mullenweg/ WordPress at the moment.
This is the WordPress drama you’re focusing on right now?
It’s crazy how different people are. The idea of sitting through a video to do something like this is so painful to me. Like I find it useful for physical things where seeing the motion can be helpful, but I still generally find doing things that way awful. Please, please, please just give me written instructions for things. Especially if I’m going to need to refer back to it a few times (e.g. there are multiple steps that take a bit of time).
Do VPNs make that feature kind of pointless? We can’t access most things from home without going through a VPN. Every where I’ve worked (and gone to school) was like that.
Does your RSVP have options for remote vs in person? My options are “accept”, “decline”, and “tentative.” If I want to tell someone I’m remote that day, it needs to be a separate message.
No, not explicitly gate keeping access. But as a woman, you have experience that tells you, if you take any shortcut or easy way out, even if all the guys do it, you will be “confirmed” as less competent. It tends to be that women start from a perceived position of “not competent” whereas men start from a preceived position of “competent.” A guy has to have some obvious mess ups to fall from that assessment whereas women have to do a lot to rebut the assumption that they’re incompetent. So, as a woman, you are constantly trying to prove yourself, and you have to avoid anything that might undercut that. Using AI could easily be one of those things that undercut it.
The Windows is not free. The OEMs pay a license fee and that cost is passed on to people buying those computers.
You can’t see something small right behind you with that.