I’m not sure how firefox does it but I don’t think pwas themselves have control over this. Sounds like a feature request for firefox to me.
I’m not sure how firefox does it but I don’t think pwas themselves have control over this. Sounds like a feature request for firefox to me.
How exactly does the update feature work? Why, if it’s a web app, do I need to update at all? Doesn’t it just auto update when you load the app?
Not exactly. It’s a “web app” in the sense that it’s using web technologies. But the code bundle is stored and served locally via service workers. So for example even if you don’t have internet connection, you wouldn’t see the browser error page. The app still runs and shows it’s own errors.
Not possible on IOS. But can be done on Android.
Why not the pc version? Iirc proton was running it well.
I finished nfsu pc version on deck, it was also running very good.
Ios safari doesn’t support the vibration api.