Urgent security fixes are gonna go unpatched
I don’t understand why a printer would ever need an “urgent security fix”. Or a software update for that matter.
Dotard Musk comes from a South African Afrikaner background. Those same people literally ran a white supremist government and jailed Nelson Mandela for decades.
Will there be meaningful software updates for your Kia EV6 in 2028? Absolutely not, no way.
I just got a new electric Kia and I don’t give the slightest shit about updates. In fact I would prefer no updates for fear it would make the great car I have worse. And no way in hell will I ever give Dotard Musk any of my money,
Whether the people at Google who did this knows they are evil or thinks they are not evil doesn’t really even matter. Having a phone app that automatically scans all your photos should scare the shit out of you. At the very least it wastes your battery and slows down your phone.
I hope you can see that, as an owner of a Android flip phone, it is annoying to see people use “flip phone” as a synonym for “dumb phone”. BTW not all dumb phones were flip phones, only the final wave of dumb phones generally were.
I can’t even go to a high school football game without having an app.
My Kia Sportage PHEV came with a “Kia Connect” app. There is a monthly charge but I get first 3 years for free. It’s got some sort of useful things but I don’t really use it much anymore. More likely than not I won’t bother to pay for it when the free years are up.
Hello McDonalds. My IQ is 500, so do I get like, free stuff or something?
I actually wrote my own text editor for the C-64
Calling people “cultists” doesn’t sound very “innocuous”.
No way would I use that app.
Out of curiosity, how many flip phones have you used since 2007?
My current phone is a flip phone. A Samsung Galaxy Flip 5
Random User Agent.
I love this.
I hung a solar panel vertically on my fence one time. It was facing west rather than south, but I was only getting about 3-4 watts on my 100 watt panel under the best conditions.
Was it decreed by an absolute narcissist for no reason other than the kind of blatant arrogance Americans are notorious for? Absolutely.
Most of the things Traitorapist Trump does is a desperate plea for your attention. Remember that 1 day immigration “crackdown”? He just wanted your unneccessary attention for that one particular day. If finding illegals was that easy they would have already been caught by Biden. He will do another one, but it will be on a random day that Trump is worried you aren’t paying him enough attention. There is no master plan on immigration, just a bunch of 1 day stunts. You can also safely ignore everything Trump says about annexing Canada, Greenland, and Gaza.
Ignore all Trump’s meaningless nonsense and 1 day stunts. Instead of doing that, pay attention to his 2 big related things which are his (1) Enshitification Push and his (2) Fascism Push. Fascism involves Enshitification, but his Enshitification Push goes beyond Fascism and includes things like trying to normalize corruption, promote incompetence, and hugely degrade the quality of government. Somebody needs to track every single one of the specific details of those things. But here is what we do NOT need to do: don’t fall into Trump’s narcissism web and think that just because Trump says some stupid thing every day you need to pay attention to him every day. On most days you do not.
By putting the solar panel at a 90 degree angle though it is much less efficient than e.g. a 45 degree angle.
Ruin company A so it is worth 80% less
Ruin country USA so it is worth 80% less.
I bought a 2025 Kia Sportage before the new Trumpflation taxes went into effect. No ads at all. I would have been pretty damn mad to see ads. Weird that Jeep has decided to self destruct.
I think the first filesystems had flat layout (no directories),
That is true for MS-DOS 1.0. But Unix had a tree structured directory system from the very beginning (early 1970s). And the directory listing command “ls” was basically the same in the first Unix 50 years ago as it is in modern Linux.
My general rule of thumb is that any software update has a 50% chance of making the software worse. So I don’t update anything without a good reason. That includes not just device updates but things like phone apps.