Among other things it lets you define the return type in terms of the arguments to the function.
Among other things it lets you define the return type in terms of the arguments to the function.
Guess my aeroplane mode is never turning off now.
+1. BinaryEye is far more reliable than the QR code reader in my camera.
It also has support for a large number of QRlike and barcode formats, and generation as mentioned.
Radeon Open Compute Mplatform
I put a 3060Ti in my latest build. The NVidia drivers would consistently hard lock my PC after about a day of uptime no matter what I did. I spent ages trying to hunt down the issue, and waited through several kernel and driver versions in vain hope, fuelled by people insisting that the NVidia drivers were “good now”. I switched to nvidia-open once that released (or once I realised it existed) to no avail. Nouveau was not available at all for those cards when I started and was still missing critical features at the end.
I think this is the first time I’ve ever encountered a kernel crash in nearly two decades of Linux computing. And second, and third and…
I switched to an AMD card, a 7600 (a generation newer! In case anyone thought this was a “new hardware” issue) and the problem was immediately gone, and my PC has returned to being my sanctuary.
My problem is exceptionally rare - I think i found one other person experiencing it over the course of 1-2 years. But the concept that NVidia had redeemed themselves continues to ring hollow for me.
Secret out-of-court settlement is an option.
Also known as “bribing your way out of the law”
Partitioning is something I don’t mess with on the terminal. Last time I set up a new drive I used SystemRescueCD first just to use gParted before installing arch (manually)
What was your experience with Inkscape and Godot? I have those both installed from repo.
I’ve never felt the need to use flatpak at all on arch.
Check for news before you kick off an update. It’s got an RSS feed and a mailing list if that helps.
Read the Wiki, and turn to it first for any issues you have.
This one may be a special “me” problem, but if you’re manually interacting with wpa_supplicant, stop and go read the Networking page in the Wiki again.
Learn how to use journalctl (at least superficially) before something goes wrong.
Generally you want to restart after an update to the kernel or graphics drivers or things start degrading strangely.
Previously in bash & sed, in case anyone else was curious.
The total functional component was previously 25 lines long. Personally I would consider this different enough to be an entirely different project, but I guess this is a good way for the developer to avoid being asked to maintain something they’re not interested in.
Yes, although admittedly I only know it from Umberto Eco’s Ur-Fascism
What is “it”? Webmentions? Webmentions can be sent from anywhere, not just places you’re actively monitoring. They can be used for example to create a comments section on your blog which amalgamates comments from various syndication points.
That is, you post to your blog, you post a link to your blog post to twitter/Facebook/lemmy etc, and comments or replies from any of those can show up on your blog itself if you so choose.
IndieWeb in general and the h-entry and WebMentions specifically.
Collectively they promise a highly personalised web experience that maintains ownership of your own content while encouraging socialisation across platforms, while avoiding the sustainability and scale limitations of activitypub.
I also want to see XMPP/OMEMO have a comeback.
This nonsense is why I’ve never set my XDG_HOME_DIRS to their actual values. A convenient button in file browsers isn’t worth the intrusion.
Edit: on further inspection this is covered in the article
C99 has a proper boolean (_Bool), C23 makes true and false booleans (and properly gives _Bool the name bool without the macro)
Neat! I look forward to giving it a crack.
The closest thing I’ve seen is Combobulate