This happened on PWA for me but isn’t an issue when I downloaded the TestFlight release.
This happened on PWA for me but isn’t an issue when I downloaded the TestFlight release.
Not to mention it’s literally a “Choosy devs choose GIF” joke, aping “Choosy moms choose Jif”. Soft-g homies for jife.
I suppose you pronounce jpeg as “j-fey-g” too, then, since the P stands for “Photographic”?
Or perhaps you argue that to doesn’t count since it’s on the P and not the Ph included in the acronym. In which case I guess we’re just abandoning all connection to the root words and we’re back to the fact that it’s okay to pronounce it “jif”.
Also the creator pronounces it jif because he was goofing on Jif peanut butter and wanted a “choosy devs choose GIF” joke. So I’m going with that.
Also it makes people mad and that’s funny.
Most people get to have sex at least six times for this.
I’m sure his mom will step in, just like she did with the cage match.
They’re not all classics.
This is just regular Vogon poetry.
And yet, it didn’t appear when I tried that time. Seems hit and miss for me, or maybe one of the apps I’m bouncing between at the moment doesn’t have an Edit functionality yet. Thanks.
Holy shit this community rules. I’m so happy for you! May it live up to all your memories.
Ah, I see that now. Should have thought to scroll farther. You’re right, that’s a tough one!
I don’t expect to be able to answer your question, but can you provide any remembered details on the GameBoy JRPG? I’ll even take half-remembered ones. I love a good mystery!
I love a happy ending 🥲
Please @cuchilloc, let us know if this is it!
That should be “using”, not “husking”.
I’ve had a 100% hitrate installing Fitgirl repacks using lutris with this method: aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dWJlLmNvbS93YXRjaD92PWdWdWFiRWNrTU1BJmZlYXR1cmU9c2hhcmVi
I don’t believe for a minute that this person has truly tested every game they claim to have on that thing, much less optimized.
You can download clean ROM sets of just about everything on their list with essentially zero effort, and the difficulty of setting up emulators is super overblown most of the time, especially with options like EmuDeck becoming more mature.
That site also seems super-sketch, but that may just be the fact that English is clearly their second language, which isn’t a fair indicator of quality.
At risk of doxxing yourself, can you expand on where you live? Just curious of the most general area. I love that law!
Idle Thumbs and Important If True feeds both sit fallow in my Overcast. I refuse to delete them in perhaps misguided hopes that one day a seedling will spring anew.