They moved Ctrl-Alt-Backspace behind a config iirc - too easy to hit by accident.
They moved Ctrl-Alt-Backspace behind a config iirc - too easy to hit by accident.
I lost interest in ford when they killed the Fiesta/Focus.
They do make colour laser printers - but in the past 5 years, I’ve needed to print in colour maybe 3 times, and I just took it to the copy shop where it’d be better quality than I can do at home anyway.
Almost all the printing I do is either stuff to sign like contracts or boarding passes / tickets, and those are moving digital more and more.
I was also there since 2008, and was a heavy user. I’ve checked in a few times in the past month (a lot of my more niche communities haven’t moved over yet), but I don’t comment or interact anymore. Once Relay dies it’s off my phone (it’s already lost the homescreen shortcut), and if old.reddit dies I’m done forever.
I owe much of my career to trying to set up Linux From Scratch two decades ago. While it’s a much better experience installing Linux nowadays, there’s a lot to be said for the experience spending your weekend debugging a system will give you.