Is using nukes gay?
Is using nukes gay?
Oh, it’s almost as if brave has always sucked.
Ronald McDonald is a capitalist.
Stop posting Lunduke stuff. This dude sucks and has a long history of sucking.
I wonder why his offer wasn’t 69.420 billion?
Because he’s a massive douche?
God Lunduke sucks so much.
Fuck. This. Noise.
Are we really doing this again?
I’m not trying to wear a tinfoil hat, but Snowden clearly revealed that the government is easily able to purchase cellphone location data based on GPS and tower data more easily than they can go through the FISA courts.
I don’t want to be a contrairian, but your cellphone carrier does this non stop. Cloudflare is not a good company, but this is the least of your problems.
Virtue signaling 😁
Let me give you my perspective.
I’ve been an Nvidia user for almost my entire life (started with a Voodoo 2, then a Voodoo 3) but last year finally got fed up with the Nvidia driver insanity. I jumped ship and got a Radeon 6700XT. I powered down my PC, pulled my Nvidia 1060 Ti out and put the AMD card in.
I powered it on and it booted straight to the login screen. I then spent roughly 15 minutes trying to figure out how to install the Radeon drivers with no luck. Turns out, you don’t have to. They’re open source and work right out of the box. Jumped right into starfield and haven’t looked back since.
I’ll never buy another Nvidia card. Just my experience, but hope this helps.
Look into commercial displays. They’re dumb TV’s.
I know this doesn’t answer your question, but I love obsidian and have no problem paying for the sync. If anyone can’t afford to do so, I completely get it and am not judging. But the company behind obsidian has taken zero VC funding, and are doing amazing things. I highly encourage folks to support them if you have the means.
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Finding driver’s and IRQ settings for my Creative Labs Soundblaster. I fought with OSS, ALSA, and Jack to enable real-time audio. I heard my audio get garbled, unfixable without a reboot. All those moments will be lost in time, like using Subversion for source control. Time to reinstall.
You haven’t been using Linux for long enough.
I remember when you literally couldn’t install it on a laptop. I remember having to download wireless driver binary blobs in order to get only a select few WiFi adapters to work. I remember printing being a roll of the dice. I remember hardware graphics acceleration being non existent. I remember when gaming on Linux was Doom, Quake, any of the various Tux games, and Battle of Wesnoth. I remember when webcams just straight up weren’t supported. Installing Linux? Prepare to download “disk sets” that were lettered and numbered based on what software you wanted, and each one would go on individual floppy disks.
I used to have to look up hardware that Linux supported and make purchases based on that.
I know things are far from perfect nowadays, but I just wanted to point out that we stand on the shoulders of giants. I bought my kids some Lenovo Ryzen based laptops for Christmas, was able to boot Linux from a USB drive, install it, install steam, put their favorite games on there and it all just worked. Not a single hiccup.
Just wanted to lend some perspective.
No shit.