Honestly, I’d trust a vanilla iPhone over that hacked together mess you’ve got going there.
Honestly, I’d trust a vanilla iPhone over that hacked together mess you’ve got going there.
I’m in the minority here, but I don’t think any governments should be regulating the choice of cable in smartphones. I think it’s a convenience that they can dangle in front of people so they can say they are pro-consumer, while ignoring the working conditions of those who manufacture it, the taxes paid by corporations who make the phones, the lobbying done against right-to-repair laws, and the monopolistic tendencies displayed by these companies.
The governments have a real responsibility to hold these companies responsible for a lot of things, but I don’t think the choice of one small piece of the technology pie should be one of them.
Nothing about Saudi Arabia is pro-consumer.
I’m not defending anything, other than basic usage of the English language. I’m not saying Bluetooth is better, objectively or subjectively, than a wired connection. You’re free to prefer one over the other, but any preference is just that, a preference.
Don’t think you understand what objectively means.
They are going to answer with some stupid reasoning like removing the 3.5mm jack.
But truly Apple stance on right-to-repair really is their only non-defendable stance. And this is coming from an Apple fanboy.
Facebook is one of the biggest contributors to OpenStreetMap and makes lots of open source software.
I’d like to know more about this.
Does that make Trump literally Chris Traeger?