I’m not pro choice, I’m pro-abortion. As in, abortions should be the default. You should have to prove that you’re able to provide a healthy and stable environment to be allowed to have a kid.
I’m not pro choice, I’m pro-abortion. As in, abortions should be the default. You should have to prove that you’re able to provide a healthy and stable environment to be allowed to have a kid.
It seems like it was a situation where everyone felt like they got a good deal and nobody felt taken advantage of. He gave them a better deal than they were going to find anywhere else.
To me, it doesn’t sound like he was exploiting his friends.
Die in a fire, Bezos.
I think you could taste a little lower, while you’re down there.
Now hold on there, I’d let them do the ads and the vehicle tracking bs if the car was nice and it was free.
If I’m buying the car, there’s no fucking way.
Gr8 b8
You’re right but it’s funny to think that you could be hassled for breaking into a box with the intention of purchasing its contents.
Yeah but can you give me the cliff notes?
9:30! What is this, new years eve?
Here’s $40. Two privacies, please!
When the killing is in self defense or in the defense of many, many victims, is this called justifiable homicide?
You were right. It is fun to eat popcorn while watching your investment increase in value by an additional 50% in a 9 month period of time. 🍿🤓
Haha, I also came back to check on the popcorn guy.
How’s that popcorn tasting?
I think the lady said they know the IP address of every phone but that doesnt make much sense. anyway, the point was that theyre using the signals from your phone to uniquely identify you. you can simply turn those radios in your phone off when youre not using them.
It’s good that you’re concerned about the data your phone may be revealing to other nearby devices. It’s generally a good idea to have bluetooth/wifi/nfc turned off if you’re not actively using them. Even without the robot, you have no idea what data companies might be collecting when you’re physically on their property.
The technologically illiterate pirate is an easy target.
Whatever. I just used a.i. to write my performance evaluation at work. I fed it a bunch of garbled, incoherent nonsense and made me sound productive AF.
I’m still running a 3700x and had been thinking about upgrading. Is the 5800x the best choice for am4?
I mean, you might be able to. I was mostly joking. I can see how abortion kind of is murder but also it kind of is just a clump of cells at first, that the parents should be able to decide if they want to allow to develop.