There’s a great podcast called “The Lazarus Heist” that goes into North Korea’s activities in stealing huge sums of money. Well worth a listen.
#Running #F1 #McLarenF1 #Books #Trance #ABGT #TheExpanse
There’s a great podcast called “The Lazarus Heist” that goes into North Korea’s activities in stealing huge sums of money. Well worth a listen.
It’s baffling to me. Maybe I’m just used to using “modern” frameworks, but the only way this could be an issue is if you literally check if the string value equals “null” and then replace it with a null value.
lastName = lastName.ToUpper() == "NULL" ? null : lastName;
Either that or the database has some bug where it’s converting a string value of “null” into a null
Are there banks that don’t do this or charge? I just assumed these things were the absolute basics of banking and are free for everyone.
i’ve even received them as gifts (very expensive ones) but i just threw it in the trash
Wouldn’t it have been better to tell the gift giver that you’re really happy that they thought if you, but for security/moral reasons you don’t want to install it? At least they could have returned it and got their money back.
Can I run your patched version of docker on docker?
I can totally see the difference. One is in colour and the other is in black & white. Ergo, not a Nazi salute. Got it.
Sky really pisses me off. They have exclusive rights to the F1 in the UK, but you need to pay a fortune for it, as you have to have the base sky package plus sky sports (I think) plus sky sports F1.
Probably comes to over £50/month for something that’s on every other weekend on average, and they still show ads! If there’s a subscription, there shouldn’t be any ads.
It’s not even a $5 one-off fee, it’s a $5/month subscription!
What posseses people to do this? It’s absolutely disgusting.
It’s not just an American thing by the way, I’ve heard shit like this happening here in the UK too. Especially in women’s toilets.
You need to use tags on your resources if you want to get a better breakdown of what your more specific resources are costing you.
You can filter by tags in cost explorer.
Probably because it’s the defacto messaging app in the UK and nobody probably questioned it.
A book shop isn’t a library.
I don’t get what you mean by this. Customers can go into both looking for something specific or seek out a particular author. If there’s no logical ordering how can customers find what they’re looking for?
This is one of my all time favourites, it never fails to make me laugh!
Yeah, it was really noticeable when the clocks changed last weekend. Can’t wait for the lighter evenings again!
I hate winter, but not because of the climate (we get a couple of days if snow at best), but because it’s just constantly dark. It’s incredibly depressing. It’s already getting dark by 16:30 now.
It’s a noble goal don’t get me wrong, but cars are just way too convenient to get rid of for most that don’t live in the central zones of cities. Just things like taking your kid to their swimming lessons, evening activities, going to the tip and garden centre and dropping off at your parents en route, visiting friends that are several villages away, kids birthday party and then going to the supermarket after to pick up some food etc.
Something I’ve noticed is that people on Lemmy never seem to advocate for busses, it’s always trains.
As much as people on Lemmy love trains, they’re not replacing cars no matter how good the infrastructure is.
Trains are already electrified.
You’re supposed to stop using the mouse while it is charging, and use the mouse unplugged.
Why? Says who? There’s been a few times where I’ve booted my work laptop up in the morning and my mouse is dead and I’ve had to plug it in. Once it’s charged I unplug it. What’s the harm in that? I’d be way more furstrated if I had to open up my laptop (I keep it closed with an external monitor) and use the trackpad instead.
Everyone strives for 5 9s, but musk aims for two 8s.