I collect these like pokemon 🙃
I collect these like pokemon 🙃
Especially because it’s to a newbie, who stands to benefit the most from using an OS with more user share and more available online resources.
What does git add xxx
do then
Git doesn’t automatically recursively add all files in the directory to the repository though - VSCode decided that should be the default behavior, while other editors (intellij) ask if you want to add newly created files to version control
The library is a mile from me too, that’s a 30 minute round trip, or I have to drive and pay for parking
I bought a $60 inkjet 10+ years ago. Every 3-4 years I buy a multipack of aftermarket ink for $30. Every 18 months when the cartridge dries up half full in my printer I chuck it knowing the $5 of ink I just wasted saved me $400 in billable hours
if I didn’t have a printer I would need a standalone scanner, which costs almost the same amount
Driving to Staples to print a $0.10 page wastes $50 worth of time and gas
A cheap printer pays for itself very quickly.
It’s really not that complicated. At a high level:
And then divide those numbers because it’s actually billed by the hour
That assumes that an adversary has control of the browser
No it doesn’t, if they intercept an encrypted password over HTTPS they can resend the request from their own browser to get access to your account
The big reason you don’t want to send passwords over https is that some organizations have custom certs setup
What is the problem with that? The password is secure and only shared between you and the site you are intending to communicate with. Even if you sent an encrypted password, they wrote the client side code used to generate it, so they can revert it back to its plaintext state server side anyways
It is better to just not send the password at all.
How would you verify it then?
If not sending plaintext passwords was best practice then why do no sites follow this? You are literally posting to a site (Lemmy) that sends plaintext passwords in its request bodies to log-in
Client side verification is just security by obscurity, which gains you very little.
If someone is capable of MITM attacking a user and fetching a password mid-transit to the server over HTTPS, they are surely capable of popping open devtools and reverse engineering your cryptographic code to either a) uncover the original password, or b) just using the encrypted credentials directly to authenticate with your server without ever having known the password in the first place
deleted by creator
The word ‘decipher’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting. I’m wondering if they socially engineered or just found it written somewhere in the house?
You can plausibly brute force up to 4, maybe 5 words of a seed phrase. It takes longer than a normal password because every seed phrase is technically valid, so the only way to know if your brute force is successful is to generate thousands of addresses at each of the different derivation paths you may expect funds to exist at.
The same seed phrase is used for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, etc, but each currency uses the seed phrase to generate addresses in a slightly different standard. Additionally, each wallet uses a slightly different variation of that. Within each wallet is a notion of accounts, and within each account you could have dozens of addresses. You need to generate each of those addresses, and scan each cryptocurrencies blockchain to see if those addresses have ever been used.
Realistically one of three things happened: his seed phrase was written down and they found it, it was password protected or on a drive with weak AES encryption and they cracked THAT instead, or finally, he used a hardware wallet and they exploited a firmware vulnerability to lift the PIN and transfer out funds and/or read the seed from the device
You are acting like someone checked off a “log passwords” box, as if that’s a thing that even exists
Someone configured a logger to write HTTP bodies and headers, not realizing they needed to build a custom handler to iterate through every body and header anonymizing any fields that may plausibly contain sensitive information. It’s something that literally every dev has done at some point before they knew better.
Does Google Cloud not count as “own hardware” for google?
That’s why the bars are so different. The “cloud” price is MSRP
You gotta donate to planned parenthood for every dollar spent there. It’s like buying carbon offsets, but for sandwiches. /s
This seems more like a collection of examples than an actual attempt at a definition.
At its core, AI is a program that takes a given input and returns the output that, during it’s training phase, would be expected to minimize it’s error (or maximize it’s reward).
More, but not way more - they would be licensing window IoT, not a full blown OS, and they wouldn’t be paying OTC retail rates for it.
I haven’t used dual shock so I can’t speak to that, but as far as Xbox 1/S controllers, there is no 1st party support - literally all the drivers are from some non-MS affiliated GitHub page. 360 controllers required the xpad driver as well - that isn’t 1st party support. Yes they work out of the box with steam if you are using a wired connection, but that’s because it’s going through steaminput (not 1st party either), and making the controls of the submarine dependent on being launched through steam is even more absurd. Gen 2 series 1/S controllers didn’t work via Bluetooth for a long time after they (silently) launched on most LTS Linux OSs due to the kernel missing requisite BLE functionality
That’s only assuming the sub was running windows, where Xbox controllers work out of the box. On Linux there are no first party drivers, and Bluetooth support on the 1/S controllers simply didn’t exist at the time this happened. If it was an embedded system there would be no support whatsoever.
US Army used to spend $38,000 per controller until they found out Xbox controllers were better
The content of the email is very laissez-faire, e.g. "we legally have to send these ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "