boarding first isn’t a privilege really
It is on southwest, since there’s no unassigned boarding. I’m a tall dude, and I always pay for early boarding so I can get myself an emergency row seat
boarding first isn’t a privilege really
It is on southwest, since there’s no unassigned boarding. I’m a tall dude, and I always pay for early boarding so I can get myself an emergency row seat
Sounds like fusion power lol
The way it sounds right now is “AI generated faces don’t have all these artifacts 99% of the time” (I’m paraphrasing A LOT, but you get what I mean.)
The only way it sounds like that is if you don’t read the article at all and draw all your conclusions from just reading the title.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure many do just that, but that’s not the fault of the study. They clearly state their method for selecting (or “cherry picking”) images
I don’t know why people (not saying you, more directed at the top commenter) keep acting like cherry picking AI images in these studies invalidate the results - cherry picking is how you use AI image generation tools, that’s why most will (or can) generate several at once so you can pick the best one. If a malicious actor was trying to fool people, of course they’d use the most “real” looking ones, instead of just the first to generate
Frankly the studies would be useless if they didn’t cherry pick, because it wouldn’t line up with real world usage
Yeah, I agree it’s pretty cringy, but I don’t see how anyone else is negatively impacted by some lonely souls using it
It’s pretty wild how many people in this thread (and in general) don’t see youtubers as a business selling a product.
Its great if you want to buy stuff from your favorite content creators shop, but the shop is there to make money. It makes money for their business. What do we call it when a business goes out of their way to show consumers their products in the hopes that they’ll purchase something? an advertisement. This isn’t something debatable lol, it’s literally the definition of the word.
Its awesome if you wanna support your favorite content creators, it’s totally OK if you don’t personally mind seeing their shop below the video, a simple toggle would let you keep that. But an ad is an ad, and people are right to be frustrated that they’re being shown ads when they specifically paid extra money not to be shown them.
This isn’t an ad. It’s just an opportunity to purchase something
I really hope this is satire, but I honestly can’t tell anymore lol
What’s the benefit of a cruise ship when planes are so much faster?
Its not always about purely practical concerns
I too would like context on that comment lol
Hulu is currently the only streaming service I still pay for, and that’s mainly because TV shows are a removed to pirate (disk space and download times being the main annoyance), but it won’t take more than one or two more price hikes for the balance to shift so that it’s worth the effort to just go full pirate instead of forking out so much cash.
The fact that Disney just fully bought Hulu bodes very poorly too - I’ll bet anything that it’s going to get folded into Disney+ soon as a “pay an extra 15/month to access Hulu content, but only through your Disney+ membership sort of deal”
Interesting that you run into those issues, I’ve had it for years and handedly had to manual reconcile more than once or twice early on, certainly not in the last few years
Good news is, no one is making you use it!
The only work you manually have to do is approve transactions that have been auto imported for you - and that’s absolutely a feature, not a bug
Same reason it’s called the “Democratic People’s Republic of NK”
Drinking coffee from my Moccamaster as I type 👌
Only drip machine I’ve found that can rival a good Ole fashioned pourover
Yeah he’s skipping over the fact that windows 10 was when windows really started to be aggressive about advertising and anti-privacy measures. I agree that it’s UX was pretty good, but it had big issues on other fronts
That is a fucking awful suggestion for someone who just switched from windows lol. And I say that as someone who uses Arch (btw) as a daily driver
Arch is great for power users and hobbyists, but I can’t think of a quicker way to turn a casual user off Linux lol. Ubuntu wouldn’t necessarily have been my first choice either, but it’s a perfectly serviceable windows replacement
No, nor can you print the battery, motors, flight computer, trans receiver or basically anything other than the frame.
I love my 3d printer, but honestly when people talk about 3d printed weapons I always cringe, 3d printers can’t make weapons (well, I guess you could make a plastic rondel dagger or something, doubt it’d work well though), they make plastic. When people talk about 3d printed guns, I don’t think that most people realize that the only 3d printed parts are usually the exterior frame of the gun, the parts that make it an actual gun are still made from metal and purchased.
Edit: and before anyone says it, yes you can 3d print metal, but not with anything you’re going to find in someone’s house - for the cost of an SLS metal printer, you could buy all the usual metal working equipment to just make a gun the old fashioned way
Neither can the rich who run our shit today
And incidentally, the rampant speculation around them has rendered them mostly worthless as a currency due to the high fluctuations in price
Yeah and while I’m sure it is useful for minimizing outrage at controversial changes, it’s mainly to prevent rolling out major bugs to too many people