The laws are written by rich exploitative fucks
This is exactly like the support groups for parents who got NCed after refusing to get off their MAGA bullshit. Don’t buy a dumb car if you don’t want people to say you have a dumb car.
You mean if someone said something like, “Trump and Epstein raping a 13-year-old is a matter of court record.”?
In my experience, people who are aware of open source and the like are also people who only print something when they absolutely HAVE to.
linux linux foss linux
AI is the buzzword for a search engine that actually fucking works, something we used to have that gradually got enshittified out of existence
That’s an odd way of spelling “little girls”
Tomorrow: Trump installs loyalist with zero qualifications as head of FCC.
Tomato, tomato.
This was all it was about the whole time. The executive branch has been outright bought so Musk can avoid consequences for his businesses’ questionable-at-best ethics.
The real reason Hannibal Lecter broke out was he had to write Clojure in Notepad
*2.000000001 years
If you call Manchin and Sinema democrats
What a stupid fucking headline
Maybe after Herbert’s idiot son dies and someone else gets the rights
Stop giving me bad ideas lol
e: I suck at markdown
I hate this fucking country and I’m going to either get out or go off-grid as soon as I can muster it financially
Less. Our population is something like 330m now I think.
Low bar.