I would switch tomorrow if I didn’t play competitive CS that requires third-party anti-cheat like Faceit/ ESEA.
I would switch tomorrow if I didn’t play competitive CS that requires third-party anti-cheat like Faceit/ ESEA.
Ya hear that Elno?
A fellow fuckcars fan. Also important to remember that the US has been systematically lobbied to make public transport, trains, etc way worse.
I’m more of a “glass half empty of poison” kinda guy 😏
I’m more of a “glass half empty of poison” kinda guy 😏
I read that if you select “English (World)” during setup, a lot of this bloat is never installed. Have yet to try.
Sometimes that software is useful, a few times windows didn’t auto-install ethernet drivers, so I was happy ArmoryCrate could be mounted to do so.
I’m a big fan from what is visible in that article.
100%. A failure at every possible level. Shame on Boeing for outsourcing the design of the 737-Max. I believe it was contracted to India?
I’m going to give the pilots a mild pass since I’ve read they’re instructed to ignore their gut and trust the instruments since their instruments are “always right” and their gut can be wrong.
The other issue is the only had one of those angle of attack sensors and should’ve had more redundancy
Thanks for the reply!
What’s that issue?
Don’t you know? Everything from Ars is technology /s
Glad to be child free, can’t imagine bringing a child into this world…
Famous last words calling something trivial in engineering. But if there’s anyone that can it’s our man ❤️
CSGO. all those anti cheat clients are kernel level and only work on windows AFAIK