Logging into my Roku account from my phone for example did not work. The login for my internet provider and power company gave issues too. Was able to login with google chrome with no captcha issues
Logging into my Roku account from my phone for example did not work. The login for my internet provider and power company gave issues too. Was able to login with google chrome with no captcha issues
With Firefox recently captcha always fails lately. So bots can get by it but I can’t.
All options eventually led to customer support. So now I’m waiting for steam to give me permission to access my games . It’s frustrating that I can know my password and can access the email connected to the account. But for some reason that’s not enough .
I work for a shitty shipping company and from what I see the estimated delivery dates are just made up and mean nothing Especially if you don’t like in a major city
You do know that if no one payed for premium and every one blocked all ads YouTube would have to shut down . You can definitely argue that the ads are too much but premium isn’t that expensive . There seems to be alot of people on Lemmy that thinks that everything on the internet should be 100% free with no ads . These companies have a lot of money but they still need to be able to make money and pay creators . Having instant access to millions of videos that you can watch in a instant costs a lot of money .
Documents? I’ve never submitted any documents to login to any website before. Just give it a fake name with a made up birth date .
The worst part is that they all where accessable with file explorer before with no issues and someone decided that making us go through teams is better.
I hate teams and have to use it for work . They insist on having all the important documents I need accessed through teams instead of just putting them in a folder .
One thing I noticed is alot of people on Lemmy think that everything on the internet should be free and have no ads. In a perfect world this would be great but most of the sites people regularly use are expensive to operate and wouldn’t exist. I do use as blocker and pirate stuff sometimes but I also pay for YouTube premium and a couple other services. Plus I go to movie theaters whenever there is a movie I really want to see and support.
Nah a judge determined it was just " puffery " and obviously he didn’t really mean self driving
I downloaded glassdoor recently. Can someone explain how it’s useful in any way ?
Yeah it doesn’t seem that widespread to me for the amount of people in there . It’s probably impossible to get it to 0 . There is always going to be people putting Alot of work to get around it .
My gf had to submit pictures of her ID like 4 times with all her personal information to be able to post . And I had to go through the same process to be able to be included in the videos . So I don’t really understand how moniors can post in there .
The only games I play on my phone
I was thinking the whole time going through the list that it was satire but then I looked up the website and it appears to be a serious website. They can’t actually be serious though right ???
I found PopOs in my experience when first switching full time to Linux was awful . I literally couldn’t get a single game to run . I switched to Ubuntu and had a lot less issues but when using alot of different applications like lutris and yuzu the version on the Ubuntu software app where outdated and gave alot of issues so most software I downloaded from other places . Right now I have 90% of what I want working but might switch distros again soon or at least doing a fresh install since I have installed alot of stuff when learning and testing. Also virtual machines won’t work since updating to the latest kernel .
But either way don’t use pop
I don’t think most Americans want tiktok banned . Unfortunately the US government just does what ever they want and right now there is too much pro Palestine information on tiktok .
My power company made me download an app to pay for a bill with cc . Now that I should be paying bills with a credit card but I was in a tight spot and needed to keep the lights on .