Okey, but I mean what are the threats to my privacy if I use telegram?
Okey, but I mean what are the threats to my privacy if I use telegram?
What are the biggest threats in telegram? Corporations, widespread scams or individual ppl closer to me?
Mama Kamala’s specialty.
Apple has said it “strongly disputes” the minerals claims and that it is “deeply committed to armed conflict responsible sourcing” of minerals.
I thought of that too, but then realized they need the latest graphic card updates to run Google, Amazon and Microsoft mass-surveillance applications!
Exactly. Those russian CS gamers are the worst scum in the world and deserve to be (cybernetically) wacked.
What would you personally do with that pressure if you lived in Moscow? At best get beaten in a protest.
How do you do that?
Yeah, when I read this I was like ‘is anyone still denying ads use of microphone?’ Eight years ago I would be called paranoid, but now everybody experienced smartphone at it’s best.
Still, as from a mechanical engineer perspective I would trust slightly more a combustion motor system to work offline rather than an electrical, where I could never know how the motor really works and relays on.
Personally I enjoy driving a 1987 bensine Ford.
Fun fact: kamala means ‘terrible’ in finnish.
Protests are wrong. Genocide is complicated.
Sudan civil war what? too dark 4 me
when the victims are lighter skinned
Wow, in Europe we haven’t reached that gas station modernization stage yet.
Windows updates anyways after several restarts choosing not to. I guess it’s some kind of default setting that may be set off too.
What about importing tabs without consent? Is that also lack of user knowledge? Even when it was turned off in settings?
That is a shame, but still not a big surprise. In comparison Apple has been sharing all kind of iPhone push notifications with the US government. I guess no other app will save your privacy from gvt. iPhone notifications to US gvt.